Sunday, April 27, 2008

Entering the Blogging World

So I have finally done it! I've started my own blog! I always thought I would wait to start one until I had something important going on in my life--like moving to a foreign country, building/remodeling a house, going through pregnancy or some other big milestone (for all you curious minds, I'm not pregnant or moving or building!) Then I decided that there are enough small excitements in my life to share and so I'm going for it!

When I told my beloved, always-honest husband of my intent to venture into the blogging world, his comment was "Well that's nice, but who will read it?" Great question! And I guess that is what I am about to discover....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kelsie, I am happy to be able to read about your life. Maybe you can even convince Graham to post on it once in a while. I hope you guys are doing well. I miss you both.

  3. YAY - a blog - that's fun, Kelsie! I will definitely be reading it. :)

  4. Hi Kelsie! I will read your blog and I know Jackie will too! I love to blog and think it is an excellent way to speak your mind and let others know what is going on. Hope you're doing well!

    Sarah (Jackie's sister)

  5. Does your blog dispense food? If so, I will check regularly. If not, I suppose it could still be worth keeping an eye on. Have fun!

  6. Yeah for Kelsie's blog!! :) I have it in my favorites and will check it regularly!
