Thursday, July 30, 2009

Guess What!!


Yep, it's true. Many of you may not have even known he applied because this sort of just happened over the past few weeks. We'd been doing a lot of talking about where our lives are heading, future plans etc and we both just felt that Graham was being called to apply to school yet again. So he got in contact with SPU in hopes that their application deadline had not yet come. Sure enough, applications were due August 1st to begin school Sept 28th--as in 2 months from now. WHAT???!! When he applied to SU and the UW, applications were due months before classes even started so we thought there was no way he could still start school this fall... Well, it seems that God has been leading us step-by-step down this new path, opening (actually more like flinging) doors, all the while instructing us to keep following.

How do we know he's in since the application deadline hasn't even come yet? Well, he went for his interview yesterday and when it was all said and done, the professor interviewing him said "Now, usually I don't tell people this, but you're in!" WHAT?!! I could hardly believe it when Graham called only an hour after the interview was supposed to start to tell me he'd been accepted. Were his letters of recommendation even in yet? Who knows!!? Who cares!!?

As I think back on the disappoints over the past year and a half when he didn't get into SU and then didn't get into the U, I remember wondering where God was in it all. Now, I can see God's hand at work. We are so thankful that His timing is perfect and that He knows what He's doing. Yes, we realize that becoming new parents and then starting grad school is not going to be a walk in the park, but we are so excited and trust that God will continue to be faithful in providing for us and guiding us.