Tuesday, November 10, 2009

11 Weeks

We have been laughing a lot over here this week!
  • Isla has been cooing, talking and smiling SO MUCH! There have been times where she will "talk" to us for 10 minutes straight if we hold her and make eye contact. BUT, the best part is that she keeps getting the hiccups when she is trying to talk and so the most bizarre sounds come out. It's pretty much like when adults laugh and hiccup at the same time-HILARIOUS!
  • Isla thinks her daddy is so funny when he sings to her. She can't laugh yet, but if she knew how, I think she'd totally be doing it. She is one huge grin the whole time he sings.
  • We went to Isla's 2 mo appointment on Thursday. She weighed 10 pounds, 15 ounces and was 22 3/4 inches long (both between the 50-75th %ile). She cried briefly when she got her 2 shots but was a champ all day afterwards. She hated the oral rotovirus vaccine. She was gagging and choking as they gave it....
  • Isla really started to drool over the weekend. I'm not quite sure what that's all about...I'm hoping not early teeth! My mom looked at my brother's baby book and he apparently got his first 2 teeth when he was 3 1/2 mo old!
  • She's had a couple of 7 hour stretches at night this week! But also a couple nights where she gets up every 2-3 hours--what's up with that?!
  • Our Dr commented about Isla's beautiful skin...guess it has finally cleared up!
  • I got the H1N1 shot this week in hopes of protecting Isla from getting it.
  • Isla and I went up to Bellinghan on Saturday for a brief visit with my family (and to celebrate Ben's 1/2 birthday). Isla loves her uncle Ben!
  • We are so thankful for our healthy, growing girl!


  1. She's gotten SO big - I can see it. Her cheeks have filled out and she's just so so cute. (ps - I keep meaning to call you, but it seems I don't have your number in my phone...)
