Tuesday, June 29, 2010

44 Weeks

Isla is learning so many new things so quickly. I feel like she's growing up so fast!

This week she has figured out how to point. She loves pointing at pictures on the fridge or at people in hopes that they will point back and maybe even touch her finger.

She tried blueberries and grapes for the first time this week.

Isla continues to be quite clingy, particularly with me. She is fine with strangers or other family members when she is well-rested, but when tired, she shys away a bit and hides her face. I wondered how she would do in the nursery on Sunday given this new development but she did just fine.

Isla's night time sleep has been so wonderful this week. For 3 of the past 4 nights, she has slept through the entire night. THE ENTIRE NIGHT!! From 7:30 or 8 PM to 7 AM or later. It has been a huge, much-needed blessing. I'm thinking we completely screwed up her sleep schedule for the better by changing times zones twice so now she is going down a little later which means her long stretch of sleep coincides better with mine (i.e. cutting out the 5 AM business).

HOWEVER, her napping is another story that is really taking its toll on me. I think the trouble with naps has been going on for 4 months or so now and I've decided I have to try something for sanity's sake. She cries every time she goes down and then, when she finally falls asleep, she only stays that way for 20 minutes and then wakes up crabby and tired. We repeat this cycle 3-4 times a day because she just never seems to sleep long enough to keep her awake and cheerful and she fusses and rubs her eyes. Thanks to the advice of friends, we are going to see what she does on a 10 AM and 2 AM nap schedule. So far she has cried and cried, slept for 20 and then cried and cried. I think what we're going to have to do is let her cry again until she falls asleep again after her first 20 minute stretch until she falls into a pattern. Ugg, it's already been a hard week and I think it will get rougher!

Isla LOVES walking around hanging onto fingers but be careful, once you offer her your fingers, don't expect to get them back for at least 20 minutes! She could walk and walk and walk and never grow weary and will throw a fit if you take your hands away from her. Her Grandma W taught her to walk and kick a ball last Thursday-perfect timing given that 'tis the World Cup season.

I caught Isla bopping to some music on her own today. Usually she will copy when she sees others dancing, but this time she initiated it all by herself which was pretty cute.

Another new development today is that Isla starting arching her back and trying to flail out of your arms when she is done being held. It's an odd combo with her clingy-ness as she'll want up then down, up then down.

Isla is really into tearing things now. At first she just tore paper and napkins into little pieces but now she also tries to eat them so I have to be careful not to leave anything out.

We are finally beginning to babyproof. Ugg. Why didn't I do this sooner!? I did a good majority of the rearranging when I was home alone with Isla and I almost feel like it did more harm than good as she now knows all the cupboards that she really wants to get into. :)

Now that Isla is crawling, it is so adorable to watch her when Graham comes home from work. Her faces lights up and she squeels and makes a beeline for the door. She loves him to pieces!


  1. I don't know anything about napping or other things to help you out but I do know (from my child development classes) that Isla is now at the age where stranger anxiety kicks in, which probably explains the clingy-ness. Usually, kids will get it right before they turn 1 and have a strong desire to be near their primary care giver (you) even when strangers aren't around.
    So wait it out and don't give in every time, you can give in a lot, but not enough to start of pattern of whinning/crying to get her way. That's my advice. :o)

  2. I know every kid is different, but for what it's worth, I'll tell you how we do naps with Hailey. We don't have set nap times because Hailey's sleep needs are always different and not predictable (one day she'll take an hour morning nap and the next day it's a 2 hour morning nap). When she starts to get that tired look in her eyes or starts being grumpy we take her up to her room for a nap (usually anytime between 9 and 11). She will sometimes cry for a while, but I leave her there and she eventually falls asleep. There have been quite a few times where I left her crying for a good hour or so before she went to sleep...but I think it's usually a battle of wills and she is SO tired, but fighting it with all her might. When we put her down we tell her she will feel so good when she wakes up and then we say goodnight (odd for nap time i know) and close the door. She goes down for afternoon naps anywhere between 1:30-4). I like not having set times because it's really nice to be able to go out and about and not be bound to nap times. She often falls asleep on the way home from errands. Seems to work for us. I just don't think having set nap times would work since her needs seem to change so often depending on how much energy she burned the day before or in light of growth spurts which are totally unpredictable.

    Good luck with it. It's tough to figure out these things sometimes because they are all different! But in the end....we all need a little sleep. ;)
