Monday, November 22, 2010

Fluffy white stuff

SNOW! I was so dreading the thought of having my long list of errands for today ruined by snow and the traffic that comes along with it. Then it hit me that the best possible time to go to Costco the week of Thanksgiving would probably be during a snowstorm-perfect! Stay home people, I have shopping to do!!! And sure enough, Costco was a breeze. Phew. I think I will try to plan my trips around inclement weather again next time. I can't stand Costco around this time of year--the place is nuts! Anyway, back to the white stuff.

Graham was off today but spent all but about an hour of the day locked in the bedroom, writing papers as we are nearing the end of the quarter. He emerged midday for a snow break, which we were happy to oblige. Little did I know, he had thrown a pair of tights under Isla's pants when he dressed her this morning, hoping the snow would stick around long enough for her to go out for a frolic.
 Isla doesn't have snow clothes yet so we decked her out in her tights plus 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of pants, a long sleeve shirt, winter coat, mittens, hat and her lady bug rain boots (that are 1 1/2 sizes too large). The poor girl could not walk on the flat carpet inside let along on the lumpy snow.

 "What is this stuff!?"
"Dad, don't let go of me. I will so fall over if you let go!" 
 "Hey, maybe it's not so bad. I guess I can try it by myself."
 "Yee-haw! Look at me go!"
 "I so got this."
 "Don't just stand there and stare, DO SOMETHING!"

 We had to giggle a bit at the whole scenario--it was too funny not to snap a quick photo. After her initial spill, Isla was in heaven, tromping along in her rain boots and chasing her Daddy. Her pure joy and everlasting energy are infectious lately!
 Graham and I spent some time this evening pondering what we would have been doing with ourselves these past 15 months if Isla  hadn't come into our lives. She has added so much to our family that we just can't imagine life without her (and we don't want to!)
 I have been feeling especially overcome this week, realizing how great of a blessing she is to me and how wonderful it is to be her mama. I'm so proud of the little girl she is becoming and am just so thankful that God chose to give her to us.

We stayed out and played in the white stuff until we realized Isla was walking around with only one boot on...
And as I was getting her ready for her bath tonight, I realized she'd spent the remainder of the day with one foot adorned in only tights, while the other sported a thick layer of tights and two pairs of socks. I'm surprised she wasn't walking around in circles all afternoon with the difference in height!

What fun....stay safe everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute, you guys!! Is this Isla's first snow? Enjoy the white stuff...we've got the golden stuff. :) Miss you.
