Monday, June 20, 2011

A Sneak Peak

I've been a little absent from my blog this month because I've been too busy nesting. After a rather traumatic ordeal of indecisiveness, I am proud to report that I FINALLY chose fabrics for the kids' bedding, mostly thanks to my sister who finally met me at a fabric store for a little decision-making intervention. I'm pretty sure Graham is SO relieved that the process is OVER and could care less how much I spent--he's just glad not to have to give his opinion anymore! I'd like to think I'm saving money by making everything myself and I'm sure I probably am, it just isn't quite as cheap as I was hoping but that's what I get for choosing designer fabrics. :) But it's going to be so much cuter than what you can find in the store and I don't have to waste money on bumpers that I can't even use if I were to buy a pre-made set. I'm really excited about what I chose and can't wait to post pictures of the finished product.

As for WHAT exactly I'm making, well, I decided to redo Isla's bedding now that I know she's a girl to add a feminine touch to the room. I've made two new sheets for her and will be starting on her bed skirt and reversible comforter in the next few days (I hope!) and baby gets two crib sheets as well as a bed skirt. I can whip out a crib skirt in an hour now and am finding the process rather therapeutic.

In other news, I found a steal of a double stroller on Craigslist that has hardly been used ($350 for a double Bob with rainshield!) so am feeling more and more prepared for the wee one by the day. We plan to go out and look at cars (our 3rd attempt) on Wednesday so once that happens, I'll really be feeling on top of things. Phew, there's nothing like waiting until the third trimester to get ready!

1 comment:

  1. How much fabric do you need for one and how do you sew it. I would love to make some fun girly ones for grace.
