Wednesday, June 8, 2011

27 or 28 weeks. ish.

(taken 6/1/11)

So basically I have no idea how far along I am anymore. Well, I have a little bit of an idea. But I'm totally confused. At my appointment last week, I thought I was 27 1/7 week based on my due date of August 31st but my Dr called me 28 weeks. I questioned him on it and his response was less than clear. So now I'm thinking he's no longer using my early ultrasound to determine my due date (it moved it a week later) and instead is going with my original due date of August 24th (which I believe to be more accurate). Or something. I have no idea. And I know it doesn't really matter but actually it sort of does. So, I'm gonna grill him on it at my next appointment. I realize the baby will come when the baby comes (as I'm sure he's going to tell me), but I just want to know what he is calling me so I can match it. Anyhow, I was already assuming we'd have a mid-August baby so this may make it even more plausible!

I'm feeling really pretty good in general except that I am SO TIRED. It finally hit me the other day as I was laying on the bed midday and whining to Graham that I could not get up I was so tired that maybe it's because of my anemia! It was an ah-hah moment for me. Oh yeah. Guess I haven't mentioned that fact yet on the blog. So I'm a little anemic. I had a bunch of labs done with my gestational diabetes screen on 5/23. My hematocrit was 32.8 which isn't really that low for pregnancy but mine was in the 40s with Isla so it's probably quite the shocker to my system. I've been eating tons of beef and was started on supplements so hopefully that helps. Too bad the cow I ordered won't be butchered until October...

I PASSED my gestational diabetes screen with a fasting of 81 which was quite the relief. And my TSH level was good at 1.27 so all things thyroid are working well. I had them throw in a vitamin D level too while they were taking my blood (since I've never actually had it checked) and I was disappointed to learn it was only 31. Not horrible, but not great, especially given the fact that I've been taking supplements for a couple years. I've been doing a lot of research lately on vitamin D needs in pregnancy and the importance of being sufficient for the baby. The unfortunate thing is that goal level has not been established for pregnancy but basically all the research says prenatals definitely do not contain enough (hence my supplementation).

Something very, very tragic happened this week. Graham has been losing weight due to stress and I have been gaining because, well, I'm pregnant. This week, our weights crossed and I now officially weigh more than him which is probably like the saddest thing that has ever happened to me. I guess that's what I get for marrying a bean pole (a cute bean pole though!) He weighed 15 or 20# more when I was pregnant with Isla so it was never a true worry but now that he is stressed to the max and forgetting to eat, the inevitable has happened.

Other tidbits include: the realization that I don't recall ever feeling this baby hiccup (Isla had the hiccups all the time), I am loving root beer and lemonade, my hip joints started hurting this week which I think means my body is preparing for "the big day." Last time, that didn't happen until 35 weeks so it freaked me out that I was feeling it so early this time around. But my Dr confirmed that it usually happens 5-6 weeks earlier in subsequent pregnancies which would be now so I guess it's normal. I've also started to feel some pain in my behind and upper leg with I assume is my sciatic but I can't be too sure. I'm not having to wake up in the middle of the night right now for some crazy reason. I don't like going to bed which is unfortunate since Isla has chosen 6:30 AM as her new wake up time. I am experiencing some serious nesting urges (as in I want to repaint the living room, recover the pillows in bright fabrics, cover my lampshades, make crib skirts and sheets for both kids, sew a reversible nursing cover and touch up the scuffed up paint on our walls...) I am starting to make some progress setting up/planning the nursery but am SOOOO indecisive it's unreal.

All in all, the pregnancy is going great and plans and slowly falling into place!


  1. I can SO relate to weighing more than your man. That was a hard one for me and I rejoiced so much when we finally crossed back along my weight loss journey.

    You are a super cute preggo Kelsie!

  2. I passed up Glendon in my first trimester so don't even worry! He is normally only like 5 lbs heavier than me, skinny little man!
