Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Welcome to elementary school, Isla

 Well folks, my little bird flew the nest and got herself all launched into Kindergarten. I think I'm supposed to be really sad (and I was on the first day), but I have a confession. In the interest of vulnerability, which I guess I'm all-in and committed to now that I bore my soul and told the whole internet that I'm depressed, I'm now sort of having a little party on the inside. I adore my children, really I do, but I have spent the last one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven of my days with this oldest one in particular and I think she and I could use a little space. I told someone the other day that "I think I might actually be a really good mom to elementary aged kids!" Reading through the lines, I think this is code for the fact that my introverted self has been storing up a vast deficit in alone time and time to do some of the hobbies I love. And so I'm planning to use some of my newly freed up time during naps to do things that energize me. And by doing so, I think I will be at MUCH better and more present person at 2:50 PM when that school bell rings. The difference between having TWO kids and THREE kids at home is indescribable, particular when one of those kids needs you to engage with her at all hours of the day and night.
ANYWAY....so, if you too have been having a little inward party over the start of the school year, come on over and we'll celebrate publicly! I give you permission to admit that we all need some space from our kids every once in a while.  
But I digress. This post was supposed to be about Isla and here I go making it all about me...I know I left my last post about school a little vague and never officially mentioned that we opted to put Isla in full day Kindergarten. Believe it or not, we didn't make the decision solely on the fact that she'd get to use her new lunch bag (although that was certainly reason enough in her mind!) We actually didn't make a final decision until the Thursday before school started when I got a call from the office saying "Since you've been requesting half day, we just wanted to make SURE you know that full day is free at this school?" Umm. Nope. Didn't know that and it just so happened that finances was one of the reasons we were going to do the half day option (that and the fact that we were hoping to buy a house and get back over to the eastside soon where she would likely do half day again)...
We ran the full day idea by Isla one last time and she was excited about it so decision made! Isla was THRILLED when the first day rolled around. She had her lunch all packed and ready to go a day in advance and she had her first outfit all picked out too. I was so proud of her as she bravely entered her classroom. She was placed in Mrs. Warren's class in room 5 and we like her teacher very much. Isla is making friends (though she can't tell me their names yet) and loves recess and "center time" the best. It did my heart good to spy her holding hands with another girl when I came to pick her up after the first day ended. She's certainly my little social butterfly!
I love that I can always count on Isla to remember to add an ice pack to her lunch bag before we walk to school in the morning (a perk to having a kid with a strong type A personality!) Her only complaint so far is how tired she gets (VERY tired) and that they only are given 10 minutes to eat their lunches. I haven't fully investigated the accuracy of that last tidbit yet but she comes home most days with a nearly full lunch box which makes the mommy dietitian side of me turn a bit grizzly. I'm trying not to go all activist on the school right away, but really? How are kids supposed to learn well if they aren't given adequate time to refuel?
I'm so proud of my sweet girl and how well she is doing in Kindergarten!

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