Friday, December 4, 2015

Isla 75 Months

Headline news over here, People: ISLA LOST HER VERY FIRST TOOTH!!!! It was long-awaited and happened unexpectedly on November 6th, exactly one week after Isla dressed up as the Tooth Fairy for Halloween. Bless our dear friend Olona who was hanging out with the girls when the big event happened. Apparently it was a bit traumatic at first but then the excitement set in. Isla been asking for MONTHS leading up to this day whether the tooth fairy would live with us after she lost her tooth. I would answer with a casual "Yeah probably." BIG mistake. The 3-story house she built for her out of Legos earlier in the fall should have been my first clue that she was taking this a bit more seriously than I. By the time evening came on the 6th, I knew I was in deep doo-doo. Her entire bedroom floor had been transformed into a colony for the tooth fairy, complete with a carnival and numerous farm animals. So I set to work drafting the following letter:
I posted it on social media to highlight the crazy doo-doo I was in but instead got a lot of positive praise for creating something so "magical." Ha. I assure you that was never my intent. And it really wasn't very magical. I had dug myself a deep hole and was trying to pull my way out. Annnnnnd, it was probably one of my worst ideas. At first Isla was excited that the tooth fairy accepted her request to stay but disappointment came shortly after when she realized the tooth fairy wouldn't coming out to play with her. Then came the challenge of figuring out how to make it appear the tooth fairy was "living there" each night. Oy vey!
I ended up writing a note each night or leaving something under her pillow which is just what every busy mother of three has time for...By the end, I wanted to poke my eyes out! I made Graham get in on the action and his letters were a bit different than mine...
"I have arranged some food for you." Seriously??? What the heck does that mean? Anyway, somehow we all survived the ordeal and on night number 5, the tooth fairy wrote a nice note saying that it had been a special first visit and that for future visits, she would only be able to stay one night. She also left a note saying to clean up the commune on the bedroom floor because "Jack and Emma wanted to play with the Legos too." In the end, I think it was pretty magical for Isla but a pain in the hiney for her parents. And in case you are wondering, I have already informed her that SANTA ISN'T REAL. #neveragain

(She won't believe me. Oh boy!)
These sisters have spent most of their recent days playing school together. Isla is always the teacher and loves the illusion of being in control. ;) She runs a pretty tight ship but Emma doesn't (always) mind. They had a lovely time playing together almost constantly over Thanksgiving break. I came to the encouraging the realization that a lot of the fighting occurs on school days when they are tired and we have a strict schedule to adhere to. Hallelujah. Maybe they will grow up loving one another after all.
I got to meet with Isla's 1st grade teacher right before Thanksgiving. Isla received all glowing reviews and I can tell that she is so totally adored! I believe the words "dream student" might even have been used. :) She is really progressing with her reading this month and it is fun to watch her pick it up. Her teacher could not stop praising her for how caring she is with her classmates. She is sitting next to a sweet little boy who needs some extra help and Ms. Maloney says it is amazing to watch her almost mother him (in a good way, she says). Isla loves Writer's Workshop the very best and spends a lot of her down time at home writing books. She has her little possy of friends that she loves to play with and is definitely my social butterfly. I'm so proud of her and expected no less!
Isla is excelling at school but, to be honest, we are having quite the hard time at home. She and I seem to be like oil and water. As soon as she comes home from school, she is frowning and sassing and yelling at me and her siblings. She screams at me at the drop of a hat and helping with her homework has become the thorn in my side. What should take 5-10 minutes takes 40 because of all the crying and whining and disrespecting and throwing of things. I usually end up sending her to her room at least 3 times for her behavior and it's awesome. Next week, we are trialing having a sweet 11 year old neighbor girl (who Isla adores) come over to play and help Isla with her homework. Seriously, I think it will be worth the $12. I know we will get through this and figure out a way but for now: PRAISE GOD I'M NOT HOMESCHOOLING!!!!!
Despite all the sassing and frowning, I know my sweet girl is in there. This morning, through all the whines, I heard her say that she really needs some time alone with me. Despite all her idiosyncrasies, she really is a rather perceptive little girl. She has been able to identify that she is experiencing a lot of sadness over the fact that her friend Lannie (above) is moving to Bellingham. She also told me the other day that she has a lot of big feelings that her body doesn't know what to do with. Wow. I wish I could have verbalized that at age 6!

She tends to be my more serious one but occasionally says the funniest things! The other day, I was asking her questions for a very belated six-year-old birthday interview:
Me: Who is the biggest person you know?
Isla: Wait. Does Dad weigh more than you?

Love you, girl! 


  1. I wish we could have talked at Christmas or Thanksgiving this year! I just have to say the first few years of Annika in school were sooooo hard, especially right after school got out. Honestly its still hard. Only with age has she been able to verbalize some of what's going on (missing me at school and hard to transition to home). In Kindergarten she literally started screaming at me as soon as she got in the car almost every single day. For no real reason. I think sometimes they just have to let the feelings out, even if its illogical/unrelated. Hope things have gotten better as the school year progresses, I feel your pain/exhaustion.

  2. I wish we could have talked at Christmas or Thanksgiving this year! I just have to say the first few years of Annika in school were sooooo hard, especially right after school got out. Honestly its still hard. Only with age has she been able to verbalize some of what's going on (missing me at school and hard to transition to home). In Kindergarten she literally started screaming at me as soon as she got in the car almost every single day. For no real reason. I think sometimes they just have to let the feelings out, even if its illogical/unrelated. Hope things have gotten better as the school year progresses, I feel your pain/exhaustion.
