Thursday, July 3, 2008

Our 1st camping trip

This past Sunday through Tuesday, Graham and I ventured out on our very 1st camping trip together as a married couple. We went with our friends the Moodys to Kalaloch (on the Olympic Peninsula) and had a fabulous time. Unfortunately, we didn't register for camping gear for our wedding (Graham was too tired by the time we reached that part of the store), so we had to fork over the big bucks to get some basic necessities. I never believe what the box says when looking at tents. I know from past experience that when they claim it "sleeps 2" you'd be pretty lucky to fit even one person comfortably. We decided to alleviate any guessing and make sure we invested in a tent with plenty of room. So we ended up with a tent to sleep 6...and it certainly was a palace!! But we had plenty of space for our air mattress, bags and even to run laps if we wanted. The best part about it is that it's green of all colors! Of course I would have preferred a lighter green shade, but this one blends in better with the forest I guess. Setting up the thing wouldn't have been so bad if Graham hadn't kept discovering poo on his hands. Somehow as we were connecting the poles, they dipped in hidden pet poo from previous campers. Poor Graham had to run to the restroom twice to clean it off his hands will I stood in the middle of the pole-less tent, holding up the walls.

Anyway, we ended up picking the one place in all of Washington that wasn't sunny and hot! When we arrived, the fog over the ocean was so thick you could hardly see the water. We still played on the beach and had a great time. I woke up early both mornings and went walking on the beach. On the 2nd morning, I was walking along, searching for a sand dollar when I noticed a couple very large-looking seagulls. Upon closer look, I realized they had white heads and were not seagulls after all but EAGLES! I tried to sneak up as close to them as possible to get pictures but unfortunately a 3rd eagle was standing guard in the tree and started squawking out warnings that I was coming. I did get this picture but it is kind of hard to see. It really is a bald eagle though, I promise!

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