Friday, April 24, 2009

We're having a.......

........BABY!!!!!! Sorry, there will be no disclosure of gender in this post primarily because, well, we don't even know what we're having. We had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday and we learned that we have quite a wiggler in there! We joked that our baby is either going to be a good guitarist like it's dad or a good dancer (also like it's dad) because it would not stop moving and flipping and waving it's arms around. It was pretty neat to see! The baby seemed to move its hands to where ever the tech placed the ultrasound probe (including over it's butt--how modest!) What a complete joy to see this little life inside of me in action! Graham and I were in awe! Granted, I see babies born around 25 weeks so I shouldn't be too surprised that they are so formed already at 20 weeks but somehow it is different when it is your own. We were able to watch the baby swallow (hooray, hopefully it will enjoy eating like it's mama) and Graham even saw it stick out it's tongue! This video is mostly of the baby opening it's mouth and swallowing--wow! When the tech zeroed in on the legs and feet, the baby "stood" on my cervix and did a little johnny-jump-up dance complete with lunges and all! It was precious.

Anyway, it was confirmed that my placenta is towards my spine so the movements I've been feeling over the past week have truly been the baby (they started on Sunday, exactly the date my dr predicted--how weird!) I'm sure I will post more shortly but in summary, everything looks great and the baby's size is right on target (a mere 12 oz!) We are overwhelmed by this little miracle from God!

1 comment:

  1. That video is absolutely precious. I'm so excited for you guys! :)
