Monday, July 26, 2010

Campity Camp Camp

This weekend, we took Isla for her very first out-of-the-womb camping trip. This time last year, I was 8 months pregnant and went on 3 camping trips, two of which were on consecutive weekends (I don't know what I was thinking!) Anyway, this past weekend was the maybe 30th-ish (Wilsons, help me out here) annual Wilson Family Campout. Our gathering place was Alta Lake State Park, near Chelan, WA. The Wilsons used to come to Alta Lake a lot but this was the first time we'd been back as a family in about 10 years (although Graham and I were here just last year with the Crozier Clan). I have so many memories of this place so it was great to be back.

The weather was hot and the lake was warm which made for lots of beach time for the kids. Isla spent the majority of the weekend with her first-cousins-once-removed (my cousins) and her second cousins which was great. They are all a lot shorter than me so were able to walk Isla around for extended periods of time without getting a backache, at least to my knowledge. Lauralynn and Georgia took her out in her little floaty boat but she wasn't too sure...
When Daddy arrived late Friday night, he brought along her inflatable starfish with sunshade and that was a real hit! She was actually making "Weeeeee" sounds as we pushed her back and forth between the two of us. Her legs dangled down in the water but she didn't seem to mind because it was plenty warm.
The lake was so green!
It was a rough weekend, can you tell?
Isla provided plenty of mealtime entertainment, particularly the time when she ate probably about a pint of blueberries. I'm not joking. All the cousins thought it was so funny how she could pack the food away.
I counted and I think there were 35 or so of us present at one point of the weekend (which is a much smaller crowd than usual). Quite a few of the rowdy boy cousins were unable to be there so there was significantly less spontaneous bucket-of-ice-cold-water-dumping and squirt gun fights than usual. I was informed that I was no longer considered a cousin now that I'm married and have a baby (thanks Evan!) I guess I got old.

We still managed to have a good time, hanging out in the shade to get away from the 90+ degree heat....
Chilling at the beach... (This is cutie pie Miles, Isla's 2nd cousin. She really liked playing with him and his trucks. She kept trying to grab his fingers so he could help her walk which was hilarious because he's only 2 1/2 and is not tremendously bigger than her!)
Going on walks to the beach in the cool of the evening....
Modeling... (what a stud muffin Uncle Ben is!)
Isla even had her very first outdoor bath. I thought she looked funny and baldish with her hair all flat against her head so I gave her a new do. Check out the before and after shots!
Her floaty toy doubled as a bathtub-genius!
There's just something too cute about a Grandpa with his Granddaughter...
But no words can describe a Grandpa, his Granddaughter, and Great Uncle Bob (with whom she shares the same bday)!!
This was the first camping trip without either of my grandparents present so that definitely was a bit hard on everyone. My Grandpa used to always tell me about the Wilson Family Campout when I was about a year old where he walked me around and around until his back ached. It made me smile that, a generation later, the story is repeating itself.

Now that I'm all teary, I'll finish this post on a lighter note! Isla definitely perfected "the look" this trip. There were two instances where she gave my cousins the absolute stare down. Come to think of it, both involved liquid. The first one occurred when Brian spilled his beer on her new travel seat. Check out her response!
I'm not kidding, she didn't crack a smile or even blink an eye for over two minutes! Even after a crowd gathered to watch, she would not stop glaring. Really, can you blame her? Beer on her new chair? The second time she made this face was when Annarose handed her a cup of ice water which she proceeded to dump on herself. Man did she give Annarose the eye!

1 comment:

  1. So, you're the one who took the picture of Uncle Bob in the hat. Dad was looking for it... Check out my campout photos on Facebook. I got a couple good "Isla glares."
