Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Emma: 9 and 10 Weeks

(10 Weeks)

We were out of town last week so I'm just going to combine weeks 9 and 10. I mean, let's be honest, I'm not sure how well I'll be able to keep up my online baby book with baby #2! I really cannot believe Emma's already 2 months old. Everyone always says that but I really mean it. Time is flying!
-This little girl is so precious! She has started to make little gurgle sounds in the back of her throat when she's happy. She loves it when you do it back to her.
-For some reason during week 9, Emma had a backwards landslide with her nighttime sleep. She started waking 2-3 times a night and stopped doing long stretches. But I'm happy to report she went 7 hours between feedings last night!
-She got to dress up for Halloween:
-Emma went on her very first flight last week. She did great! We flew to Utah for Graham's nursing conference and to visit friends. Funny thing is, Isla's first flight was also to Utah to visit these same friends.
-Emma's first snow happened while we were in Utah (this is also where Isla saw her first snow).
-We moved Emma into her room with Isla last night. She's outgrown her cradle and since we spent most of the week all together in a hotel room, I figured now was as good a time as any. She did great! I'm hoping I will actually feed her less as sometimes I think I feed her simply because she's stirring, not because she's actually hungry.
-SAD NEWS: I think Emma is starting to lose her hair. I noticed a little bald spot forming on the back of her head yesterday. I am so sad. Her hair makes me giggle and I just don't want it to go away!
-Emma has a nickname now, thanks mostly to her big sister. Back when I was pregnant, Isla started asking us "Where's Emme?" We had no clue who Emme was and had no answer for her. As we were trying to pick a name for baby #2, Emme was a front runner, thanks to Isla. In the end, we opted for Emma with the thought Emme could be a nickname. Graham "tried it out" a few times but I had a hard time switching cold turkey and calling her anything other than Emma. But all of a sudden in over the past couple days, Isla just started calling her Emme and that's all she calls her now. It's pretty cute.
-We have a pretty good eat, "play," sleep cycle going although more so the first two than the latter during the day time. Emma's happiest times are after she eats--she is usually all smiles.
-I need to work on lengthening (ok maybe just establishing) nap times. I really don't want another cat napper and so I need to pay more attention to Emma's cues. Being a 2nd born, she sort of just has to go with the flow and so we haven't often been home for me to get her to sleep in her crib. That's my goal for the next couple months!

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