Friday, September 7, 2012

Emma: 12 Months

 I am finding myself wishing I could bottle up Emma and save this stage she is in right now. It is my FAVORITE so far! She is so interactive, has figured out how to point (LOVE this!) and we learn more about her charming personality every day. 
I took her to her 1 year well baby check up and she weighed 20 lb, 8 oz (25-50%), was 30 inches long (75% - what?!) and her head was 18 inches (50-75%). She is growing great on all parameters which means our single-sided nursing stint did the trick. Phew!
Emma has recently started doing this thing where she stops what she's doing, sits down and extends a hand toward you as if to say "stop!" Then she yells out a couple syllables and she does it with such conviction that you really think she might be saying something. It is too cute. The other day we took her to our favorite Kirkland pool for the first time and it was like she'd discovered her voice. She spent a good half hour crawling around the pool deck, saluting, pointing and yelling things like she was giving a speech.
She is actually starting to talk and says "uh-oh" (Aug 25th), "nigh, nigh," (accompanied by a wave) "Da-da" and "Isla" (which she usually YELLS. Hmm...)
Her favorite activity these days is stair climbing which she learned to do on August 7th. She makes a beeline for the stairs anytime she sees the baby gate left open. I literally turn around for 2 seconds and she's halfway up! She loves going to the park where I think she could spend all afternoon scaling the playground.
Emma finally cut her first tooth on August 20th (front bottom right) and I'm pretty sure another is following close behind it. She sleeps through the night and takes a morning and afternoon nap (the latter now coincides with her sister's - hallelujah!) Her naps have been short lately (50 min - 1 hour) but I'm hoping that's because she is teething.
Our poor girl has spent the entire last month snuffly and sick. After two trips to the doctor, we finally started her on a round of antibiotics and, for the first time in 6 weeks, she is well!
Our little laid back child has developed an opinion! She likes her space and let's her sister know when her bubble is being invaded. The two adore each other and play well for the most part with the exception of an occasional sharing war. When Emma doesn't get her way, she's started laying her head face down on the floor and screaming. She's young enough still that I find it hilarious but I'm sure not for long.
We started whole milk the week before her birthday and at first she was a dissatisfied customer. We had to give it to her in the bottle for a couple of days and then transitioned fine to a sippy cup. She feeds herself 100% of the time and is figuring out how to use a spoon. She loves carbs and meat best, dislikes cheese (really?! what kid doesn't like cheese) but will eat yogurt and cottage cheese. She's not a huge veggie fan either but likes kale and broccoli.
Emma walks with help (fingers or pushing the toy shopping cart) and pulls herself up on everything so the crib is now at it's lowest setting. She loves looking at books but doesn't like being read to, can give high fives, hates diaper changes, loves the remote (which she knows to aim at the tv), cell phones, any electronic really. If she gets a hold of one of our phones, she immediately sticks it to her ear and yells "Hi!" and begins waving.
She's a total water baby and has been crawling around the beach this summer, splashing in the water. She's a joy and we love her like crazy!

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