Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Isla 36 Months (3 Years)

What to say about my sweet Isla Pie?
She had her 3 year doctor appointment and I was SO proud of her. She LOVES going to the doctor and I love that she loves it. In fact, when I took Emma in for a visit when she had a never-ending bug, Isla was bummed that she didn't get to be examined too. At her well visit, the doctor asked her a series of questions about safety in the car, when crossing the street and when riding her bike. She answered every question correctly which apparently wouldn't be expected until she is 4. It's amazing the things that fill you with pride when you become a mom but I was just beaming. She also was asked to do a few tricks like balancing on one foot and jumping in place. She got a flu shot and was as brave as ever (no tears!) as she knew she needed to show Emma how to do it. And bandaids are pretty much the best thing ever.
We are starting to talk to her about privacy and so now she often tells us she needs "pry-uh-see" when she is going to the bathroom. Sometimes it's true. Other times I find her standing on the toilet seat, naked from the waist down, dancing. You just never can predict what she's going to do.
She is the best big sister. Seriously. I know you are never supposed to let a 3 year old supervise other children but she is really quite capable. We've taught her to let us know if she sees Emma heading for the stairs, bathroom or putting her clip in her mouth and she does so 100% of the time. She is also quick to give her sister a toy when she is upset and is learning to take turns.
 Cousins!!! Our family on Graham's side is growing and the kids just love being together (can you tell?) Truly they do!
We had kabobs and corn on the cob a couple weeks back and, thinking I was being so helpful, I cut the corn off the cob for her. Wrong. She wanted the corn "ON the kabob," as she called it. The term has sort of stuck and now we all enjoy our "corn on the kabob." The the other night, I served a roast chicken and gave Isla the choice of having a piece on or off the bone. She selected bone-in and cheerfully told me "I'm eating chicken on the ka-bone!" as she ate. Love her! 
She continues to be full of questions and there is no such thing as silence in her world. Much of our conversations this past month surrounded birthdays and rightly so since all 3 of us girls celebrated ours in less than a 3 week span! She got to celebrate once with Graham's extended family (pictured above) and then once with her sister (more on that later). She is already asking when her next birthday will be.
Isla loves to dance (I think I'm going to pursue putting her in a class), look at books, sing, do crafts, take baths, ride her Strider bike (she's getting really good) and go to the park. She also asks me almost daily if her running shoes fit yet. She's looking forward to her first race. But she also (sort of surprisingly) has been requesting that we "just stay home" as of late. My busy girl takes after her mommy and needs a day at home after too many that are packed to the brim!

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