Sunday, June 30, 2013

Emma 22 Months

-Emma has had leaps and bounds of progress in the verbal department!! She pretty much started to communicate everything she wants using words more or less overnight. She now says: off, pool, Lilly, Gideon, duck, hello, here, oh my (my newest favorite), glasses, outside, hand, walk, Poipu (sort of), bus, elevator, Cheerio (churr-o), Emma Boo (Ah-boo), trash, brush, teacup (thanks Disneyland!), bite, eat, nose, eye, Daddy (as opposed to Da-Da), Scott, John, Tash, Lani, down, wash, light, plane, potty, Piggy, I love you (which comes out as "I Emma You"), stroller, all done, red light, yes, banana, apple, Oliver, please, sorry, no (but usually no no no no no no NO!)
-She's totally and utterly obsessed with shoes (warn her future husband - this girl has a major fetish!!) and necklaces and is constantly "trying things on" (her sister's underwear, swim diapers, whatever she can find).
-She is terrified of dogs (responds with high-pitched screaming and running to me when one approaches) and also the garbage truck and revving motorcycles. She literally trembles in fear.
-She's a water baby (in the pool at least - she's not a huge fan of the ocean waves!) She is mostly fearless and her favorite activity is "jumping" (or stepping) off the side to us:
-Emma has started "baby talking" when playing with dolls or stuffed animals or when "reading" a book to herself.
-She is super affectionate - often comes up unsolicited to give us snuggles and kisses (which she does in French fashion: always on both cheeks!)
-She rarely naps for longer that 30 minutes a day.
-She LOVES my phone (anything electronic really) and immediately holds it up and says "Cheese!" whenever she can get her hands on it (see cheese face below):
-Emma has a strange obsession with running her hand along the outside of parked cars as we pass (and sometimes attempting to open their doors). If you see her and her palms are black, you now know why.
-She's discovering new tactics when she doesn't get her way: high-pitched screaming, hitting and throwing herself on the floor in a fit of tears. Time outs have become a new routine in her day.
-She can at times be ridiculously easy-going (like sitting happily next to be in her lounge chair at the pool for 30 minutes+ while I read) but also showing more of her wild and crazy side. She is strong-willed and is turning into a bit of a runner (God help when when baby #3 arrives!!!!!)
-She discovered her sweet tooth...there's no going back!!!

-As challenging as she can be at times, I want to bottle up this age and save it forever. She is ridiculously cute and her personality remains a complete mystery. I just adore my gone-curly, crazy-haired brunette!

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