Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Isla 46 Months

Our sweet Isla pie this month…

-had an incredible time on our vacation (more on that later was Disneyland was definitely the highlight for her!)
-likes to abbreviate words such as “unders” for underwear and “zips” for zipper
-went to swim lessons for the first time! She had a total blast and at the end of every day always identified them as the best part of her day. She was quite hesitant to get her eyes wet at the beginning but finally began sticking her face in the water by the end. But she always left the pool with the top of her head dry (didn’t quite master the full bob…) On our vacation, she bravened up and was doing bobs like crazy and jumping into the pool with no fear!
-has been challenging us a bit in the obedience department. She has discovered a special enjoyment in telling us what to do…
-loves to be a helper and wants to go with me wherever I go (she sobs when I leave on an errand without her) and do whatever I do. She also really likes to tag along with her grandpas while they do their work (like make ice cream!)
-can’t stand wearing bottoms and would spend all day running around in a t-shirt and “unders” if allowed
-doesn’t have much of a personal bubble. She loves to play with others and especially likes it when she can organize how they play. 
-has a very caring heart. When we have guests that are packing up to go, she always wants to send them off with a snack (usually chocolate chips) or a drink and tells me she is “being kind.” I love this!
-is absolutely obsessed with my new phone. I will only share a few but my phone is literally jammed full with silly self-portraits such as these:

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm not leaving comments these days, but please know that I adore reading about your sweet family. Life is soo hectic at the moment, that it is nice to take a second to think about other things - like your adorable girls, but then I have to get right back to it, not allowing the time to write a comment. Your posts are always entertaining and fantastic, and I LOVE that although we continue to live far away from each other, I can always count on this (and FB) to keep up on your life!! (especially as we venture so far away, w/limits on communication abilities)

    Love you so much, Kelsie!!!
