Sweet Sassy Molassy! This girl is giving us a run for our money. If there ever was any money in parenting... The above picture almost says it all. She got opinions and a new-found will and she's armed and ready to use them. I'm pretty positive she's been quietly observing our life up until this point, memorizing every crack in our system. And now apparently felt like the perfect time to pounce. Good thing she's completely adorable and hilarious as she presses each of our buttons and keeps us on our toes! Here are a few tidbits about her this month.
-Has become quite the talker
-Says "what else?" when you tell her what's for dinner
-Throws "maybe" or "yet" at the end of sentences: "In 2 or 3 minutes maybe"
-Sometimes it makes grammatical sense but often it doesn't which makes me laugh
-Lots of "What's that thing? What's that for? Some of that thing??" too
-Drinking milk like crazy these days
-Brave around spicy foods-Sees high windows, trees etc and asks "climb up there?" (?????!!!)
-Occasionally assists with clean up and usually accompanies the task with singing
-Not interested in potty training yet but has Hello Kitty undies when she's ready

-Super napper the past few weeks
-Wakes up singing or saying "can you come help me?"-Still in crib but fully capable of big girl bed
-Sings when I come to feed Jack in the middle of the night -Calls him "Jack Attack"
-Has the most gorgeous, thick hair
-Hits Isla when frustrated
-Loves to tease her and drive Isla mad-Has learned the powers of screaming high-pitched at the top of her lungs (unfortunately first discovered this when we were in the very back of Barnes and Noble...)
-Frequently ignoring simple requests of her unless they are made into a game these days-I guess you could say she's two...
-Asks for music so she can dance
-Loves to accessorize: gloves, headbands and sunglasses are her specialty-Requests the "Oh Oh Oh Song" (Your Name High by Hillsong) every time we get in the car
-Enthralled by dinosaurs
-Not making it through her class at MOPS and is growing more tearful at church too
-Often asks to "nuggle" (snuggle)
-Has become quite the techie with our phones and puts on a Netflix movie if ever we leave them unattended in reach
-Great at self-entertaining
We love this girl and are hanging on for a wild ride as we figure out what speaks to and motivates her!