Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Emma 33 Months

This girl is growing more and more tender by the day. She often comes and asks to "nuggle" (snuggle) or gives me hugs and says "I love you" unsolicited. She is also strikingly aware when I'm upset and tells me "It's ok Mom" or "Mom, why you sad?"
Her favorite line lately is "But it might." Hey Emma, come climb on this. "But I might fall!" Emma, look at the chipmunk! "But he might get me!" For every request or suggestion there is something that might go wrong. Sigh. I fear I am responsible for adding two more worry warts to society. But for every time she is worried, there are just as many times where she is exceptionally daring and brave. If there is a body of water, she will find it. And enter it. Be it a fountain, lake or sink, she's game! And we change her clothes a lot as a result.
Case in point.
She's our current fashionista, always changing clothes or dressing up in her swim suit or pjs. Or sometimes just plain stripping. She begs to put on her pajamas at naptime and sometimes she just does it, unbeknownst to me. This would be an important time to mention she has grown quite independent in the self care category and frequently demands to "Do it myself!" With this independence comes some disciplining and general doesn't-ever-seem-to-listen challenges. 
She loves her brother and I have to keep a close her on her these days as she's been known to pick him up, push him over, lay on him and generally just be all up in his grill....
She's balancing so well on her balance bike and begs to ride it at any and all hours of the day.
I consider myself lucky that she climbed out of her crib for the very first time this month. She proceeded to fall directly into the hamper which helped prove my point when I told her we DON'T climb out because it hurts. She hasn't attempted since. :) She's skipping her nap ~2-3 days a week and usually when I come to fetch her from her crib, she's sporting a bare butt, diaper thrown down between the crib and the wall... 
She's giving us a run for our money right now but she couldn't be more fun either!

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