Friday, June 20, 2014

Jack 8 Months


The end.
I mean, need I say more?
Ok fine. I will. But seriously, this is big, amazing news and we are all thrilled. It was earlier in the month when I suddenly realized a week or two had gone by and he hadn't woken up at night. Funny how you forget to notice significant things like this with a third child. Probably mostly because I was worried it was a short phase and the wakings would soon resume. So far we're golden!! 
He had to know a picture like this was coming with a name like Jack...
Other big accomplishments this month include rolling from back to tummy and shaking his head and "dancing" to mirror your movements. Speaking of mirrors, he loves them:
He's found a fairly steady nap routine in the morning, and a loose routine in the afternoon. For the most part he's super chill and easy to make giggle.
He's getting kind of squirmy when you hold him and often tries to launch himself out of your arms if you aren't careful. He spends most of his floor time sitting and thinks it's funny when you try and put him on all fours to crawl.
He's eating...butternut squash, strawberries (whoops! gave him a rash - you'd think his dietitian mother would have known better but she's loosened up with time), whole milk yogurt, spinach, nectarine, peach, plum, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, green beans, fennel, pork....who knows what else - I've lost track! He's really into feeding himself right now and so we're transitioning to more finger foods though he's not fully proficient. He has managed to master the sippy cup with handle though!
He's remains the most popular member of the Crozier house (if you know what I mean) and can't hardly get a moment to himself. ;)
He seems to be thriving in his closet quarters at Grandpa and Grandma's and we're hoping for the next child protigy!
He loves his Daddy something fierce (the feeling seems to be very mutual) and he also seems to have a similar affection for this new thing called shoulder rides. 
And last but not least, he's started baby-talking which is so adorably entertaining.
Until next time...

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