Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Happy Birthday, Baby Jack

To my darling Jack,

I know you really aren't a baby anymore, but I'll never accept it. I captured this shot of you this morning, gazing up at your birthday balloon. I promise I'll buy you a balloon every year of your life if it makes you this happy. I adore you, child. Our bond is something else.

God sure knew what He was doing when he gave you to our family. Yes of course Daddy secretly hoped for another man to join his clan, but, oh my, mommy was the one who was really in for a treat. I don't know what you've done to me kid, but you've got me wrapped around your little finger for sure. I never knew how much I needed a son until I met you! The past few years have been rough on me but you've been my buddy keeping me company though it all. I can't quite put it to words but you came at the tail end of a hard season for our family and you have been like our beam of sunshine. It seems whenever I feel the clouds of life setting in, I'll find you walking at my side and asking for my hand or running over for a snuggle. It's simply the best. I've said it before but I will say it again: I would change your middle name to something that means Joy if I could.

You are getting so big and adventurous! Not a day goes by that I don't have to change your socks because you've escaped shoe-less outside into our swamp of a yard. I love our neighbors because so far, they've always returned you to us. You are always pushing chairs around the house to get access to thing just a smidge higher like the microwave or the kitchen drawers. You love babies and push toys and buses and boots and the color blue and trains and trucks and planes and your binky and all of your family but particularly your grandpas. You play very well on your own but if things get too quiet, I can pretty much guarantee I will find you upstairs with a binky in your mouth and your crib pushed across the room so you could retrieve it.

You are our cheerful little charmer for sure. You wake up singing in the morning and then you WANT to go down for your nap in the afternoon. I mean, what more could we ask for, really? You've entered this new phase where you answer "Mmm-kay" whenever we ask you to do something or summarize how something is going to go down. It melts me every time. I love watching you in the midst of other kids. If they are screaming, so are you. If they are laughing, you are too. Typically you have no idea what is going on but it's never stopped you. You can run and scream with the best of 'em.

Today, on your 2nd birthday, I want you to know how incredibly loved that you are. I pray that you would grow to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and that you would serve Him always. I pray that you would continue to bring joy to many just by being you and that you would grow up to serve your family well. You are such a gift to us and we love you so much!

Happy Birthday Jack Attack!


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