Saturday, January 16, 2016

A Letter to My Readers

Dearest Readers,

It is with great excitement and a fair measure of trepidation that I share with you some changes are happening in my blogosphere. Most of you probably know that I have a food blog in addition to this personal one. Well, the time has come for the two sites to merge. As a reader of this blog, you are well aware that I have a LOT of thoughts and even more feelings. I have used this space to process the struggles and joys of parenting and marriage and life in general and everything in between and the Lord has been laying it on my heart to put it all out there over on Kelsie's Kitchen. I've committed to honesty and vulnerability and you guys - it's been amazing to see how this realness breaks down walls. I've reached a point where it feels somewhat dishonest to keep these two blogs separate and the Lord has been nudging me to make a change. It hasn't been intentional but sort of by default, the hard stuff goes here on the personal blog and the good, fun, silly stuff goes on the food blog. Presenting a picture-perfect life is the exact thing I am fighting against so the time has come for the spaces to merge.

For those of you who have been following me here, I would love it if you subscribed to my blog over at where you will find me writing about all the same stuff plus some food posts and recipes too. As for this blog, very soon I will be making it private and will pop in monthly-ish to continue document the nitty gritty details about what each of my kids are doing. I'm finally admitting it outloud: my monthly kid posts here are the closest thing they will ever have to a baby book! If you are interested in these intricacies, please please contact me and I will grant you access. Even if you've been a closet reader up until this point. I'm a closet reader on plenty of blogs and I know what it's like when they make it private and you don't have the balls to officially ASK to read it so you just have to let it go. ;) My intent here is mostly just to keep the creepy internet stalkers from knowing too much about my children. Which you aren't one of, of course.

Here's to many writing adventures ahead! Thanks for reading.

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