Friday, January 22, 2016

Emma 50 and 51 Months

Well folks. I'm pulling a first here and combining the months of December and January together into one for my supposedly-monthly posts on my girls. Let's just blame Christmas craziness! These posts can at times feel cumbersome but, as the saying goes, the days are long and the years are short and it's so easy to get caught up in all that is hard. But then I take a browse through my pictures and think over all the silliness that happened in each passing month and I can't help but just burst with love and gratitude.  

She's certainly my tender little sweetie pie! I love these shots of her painting that I captured just this morning. She asked me to paint the outline of a tree house and then said she'd fill it in with color. I made a valiant (read: terrible) effort as she kindly told tell me that my "tree" looked more like a bush and that my structure didn't even look like a house. When Daddy arrived home, she immediately made the same request of him, adding that "Mommy tried but she was really bad at it." I love her sweet honesty. Next she went straight to work painting striped snakes (pictured here). I think she could do art all day if I let her!
When she isn't doing art, she is most certainly dressed to the nines in her blue sparkle dress that leaves evidence of it's presence EVERYWHERE. In the form of glitter. Just ask Grandpa and Grandma Crozier! She wore it to their house on Christmas and you could easily trace every last one of her steps, just like Hansel and Gretel and their trail of breadcrumbs. I'm guessing Grandma and Grandpa are still vacuuming glitter off of their furniture. Thankfully, we've discovered the hoop skirt sewn into the dress prevents her from being able to buckle into her car seat. Which means she can't wear it on any errands...darn it! It is one of her very favorite Christmas presents though so all the sparkle is worth it.
One of her other favorite gifts is orange kitty (pictured below) from Great Grandma Juna. She named it "Skye" after the former Crozier family dog who she never did meet. 
When she isn't wearing her blue dress, she's most likely in a leotard and ballet shoes begging for me to put on "Nutcracker music." She's definitely got some moves and asks for more ballet classes regularly. We missed sign ups for this session so I keep telling her maybe next time. 

Emma LOVES tights (or long socks as Grandpa Crozier calls them). She got about 12 pairs for Christmas and she somehow manages to wear them ALL within a matter of days. Unfortunately, she doesn't have enough long-sleeved dresses to pair with them so she almost daily tries to convince me tights can double as pants. She has daddy to thank for that one I think. He used to let her wear them as such on the days mommy was at work...

Emma still is almost always game to "help" me in the kitchen. She loved getting her hands dirty with all the Christmas baking. Her other specialty is helping mix up pancakes.
Emma has QUITE the imagination. *Cough* Yes. I think we will call it that. I picked her up from Sunday School a while back and her teacher exclaimed "I didn't know it was her birthday!" 

"It's not," I replied. 

Looking confused, she proceeded to tell me how Emma had said that it was and that we were going to be heading home after church to make a rainbow cake for her party. Right...
Then on her last day of school before Christmas break, one of her teachers told her goodbye and told her to "Have fun in Cannon Beach!" Then she looked at me and asked "Do you guys have a place there? Because it sure seems like you go there a lot!" 

My puzzled expression outed Emma's little story and the teacher and I burst out laughing, as Emma hid in embarrassment behind my leg. I guess our summer trip to the beach made more of an impression than I thought! 

In other news, in case you missed it, EMMA GOT A HAIRCUT!!! She'd been begging for months and finally we gave in. I told Graham the night before that I was just going to "give her a trim" but then at the last second I decided - what the heck- if we're gonna do this, let's just do it and donate it like she'd been asking.
Some lady with cancer is going to be THRILLED to receive the locks from this generous soul! I'm so proud of her!
Oh and in other big news, I'm told Emma tied the knot up at the slopes earlier this month. She and Isla and Daddy got to go on a sledding "adventure" with some of the Steingard crew. The day had a few hiccups which eventually led to Graham and the 4 kids spending a LOOOOONG afternoon in the lodge. So what is a couple to do when stranded in the mountains? Get hitched of course! 
That picture!!!! I just die. And then this next one too! I mean. The way she is looking at him! If that's not the look of TOTAL ADMIRATION than I don't know what is! We are in TROUBLE. 
(But in all honestly, Leif, you have our blessing).

1 comment:

  1. Birthday girl is very lucky to have such fun party. Thanks for the photos. I am also going to host such a party on my son’s 5th birthday at one of his favorite party venues. I really want it to be a memorable one for him.
