Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Frozen Shut

So one of my favorite nurse practitioner coworkers had another story for me today that I felt was worth sharing (the funniest things always seem to happen to her). This one is pretty incredible!

She and her 16 year old twins (a boy and girl) were out at a friends house on Sunday night for dinner. It was dark when they headed for home (for you Seattlites, keep in mind that it was SUPER cold this weekend). Anyway, this nurse practitioner tried to unlock the car and realized, alas, the lock was frozen in place and would not budge. She tossed the keys over to her daughter to attempt the lock on the passenger side. Darn! It was also frozen and not to be unlocked. After spending a long time trying to get the lock open (which included blowing on the lock to try and "melt" it and almost dumping warm water over it), the lock finally clicked. Of course then the door was frozen shut but with lots of force, it opened.

This nurse practitioner was able to unlock the other locks from the inside so that her kids could also climb in. It wasn't until they were seated and about ready to leave that she looked up and saw a crucifix hanging from the rear view mirror that she did not recognize. Wham. All of a sudden, it hit her and she yelled out "Kids, this isn't our car!!!!!!!!!!"

They quickly got out and noticed that there were 2 silver Toyota Camrys parked one in front of the other on the street and they'd accidentally entered the wrong one! Funny thing was, the key worked perfectly in their own car....oops! I guess the doors weren't frozen shut after all.

Isn't that just too funny? So this nurse practitioner kept mentioning throughout the day that she is such a bad mother, teaching her kids to break into cars and all. She said that teaching them to hot wire will be next! :o) By the way, she is black and that is an important preface for this last part. She said (and these are her words, not mine) "Once I realized what happened, I was just waiting for whoever might have been watching us through the window to call the cops to tell them that three black people are breaking into my car! I'm sure it didn't look good."
Anyway, she said they quickly exited the car and relocked the doors before heading on their merry little way.

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