Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy St Nicholas Day!!!

Did St Nicholas put anything in your shoe last night?

It is hard to believe, but some of you may not know that today, December 6th is a very special holiday. St Nicholas was a 4th century bishop who was renowned for his kindness and generousity. He would visit homes and night, leaving toys, treats and candies in the shoes of good little boys and girls. I highly doubt he had a big belly, long white beard and a red suit, but who am I to say??

Growing up, we always set our shoes out on the night in December 5th, in hopes of having them filled by morning. Each year St Nicholas left us a mandarin orange, a candy cane, chocolates and very special ornament. I love this tradition and all the memorable ornaments that I have in my possession as a result. Graham and I continue to celebrate this tradition with just the two of us but I hope it is one that we can pass on to little Croziers in the future. In the meantime, I'm wondering why the rest of you did not find your shoes filled with treats....hmmmm?

Here's a glimpse of today's additions to the tree.....

I don't think there was any way dear old St Nick could pass this one up--in case you're wondering, it was in Graham's shoe. He can't wait to show his mother! :o)

This was also in Graham's shoe--a beach turtle
A red hot chili pepper--are we sensing a theme here? Looks like St. Nick had Mexico in mind when he selected these ornaments. Maybe that's because we leave 20 days from today!! (This cute one was in my shoe--a perfect addition to my foodie ornaments).


  1. Aww...shucks. Apparently St. Nick only visits the shoes that are surrounding Kelsie's shoes, cause he didn't come my way this year. In fact, he hasn't come my way since we were roomates...interesting.

  2. I love this tradition. We grew up doing this too and for the past two years I've done a Christmas box of goodies for Stacy's family (Izzy's four now) and I make chrattimenner which is this fun sweet bread christmas man that is a swiss tradition. It's fun sneaking to their house and leaving it on their door step! I'm so glad you guys do this too - it's so much fun!
