Sunday, June 7, 2009

Neutral Smeutral

On Thursday, I came across this little number at Ross for a good price and so jumped on it. Not knowing the gender of our baby is making shopping a bit challenging so I thought this outfit was a nice, neutral style that would work for either a boy or girl.
I proudly showed it to Graham when he arrived home from work only to have him respond by saying "Could I put a boy in that!!??" I guess our definitions of "neutral" differ! I was thinking the orange and the blue polka dots made the outfit more masculine than feminine and so was wondering if it would work on a GIRL. I guess you don't see many men walking around with teddy bears on their tees but babies can get away with anything!
On another note, I wanted to poll all you readers who are moms again and ask your opinion. I'm trying to figure out what kind of baby carrier you all would recommend, particularly in the early infancy stage. The Ergo baby has come highly recommended as the baby grows past 15# (better for the back I guess). However, I was told it doesn't offer as much support to the newborn. What did you moms like? The baby bjorn? A sling?


  1. Sling for the win!! I love how easy it is to run errands and throw the sling on. Also, it helps to hide the post pregnancy baby belly! ;) Hailey loves being crammed in all cuddled up to me. Pete uses the bjorn (more manly) and that works fine for long walks and such. I just really like how quick and easy the sling is when I'm out and about.

    It's really hard to find good neutral clothes. You wont need much at first and once everyone hears what you have they will probably bring you gender specific clothes. Also you will probably want to go out and get clothes so he/she can look the part. Even when Hailey wears pink people think she's a boy! I tended to shy away from the neutral outfits so people have less opportunity to get it wrong.

  2. I have a sling and an ergo. Love the sling for newborn stage. My babies tend to start out big so I can handle the sling for a couple months. The ergo offers a lot of support as the weight is dispersed on your shoulders and hips. I also like that you can use it as a front and back carrier. The ergo has an infant insert that you can buy. I haven't used it but have seen it used and it seems to do just fine.

  3. I would definitely call that neutral Kelsie! Don't listen to Graham,

  4. Ellie loves and loved that Baby Bjorn. She was frustrated in the sling, but I think that is because I tried it too late.

    Also, I think that outfit is completely gender neutral...if anything it is more masculine (for a baby) then feminine. Challenge Graham to find something more neutral than that!

  5. awesome soon as I saw it I thought to myself - oh man that is one of the ones Chris would have given to a family who had a girl..he he, guys do not see that teddy bears are gender neutral!

    I loved the ergo for my big baby and never really had any luck with a sister in law LOVES her moby wrap and carries her four month old in in constantly, they look pretty intimidating to me but if you can figure it out they can be really great?? good luck and have a great time this weekend!

    ps. I think your having a girl :)
