Tuesday, January 5, 2010

19 weeks

Big news this week is that Isla started off this decade by rolling over for the very first time. Of course she waited until the ONE DAY that I left her (my first day back at work) to do it. But it sure made Grandma Wilson happy to be the honored witness!

Isla is very curious. She's definitely noticing what's going on around her and is grabbing whatever she can get her hands on (see pics below). Her latest favorite toy is a set of plastic keys in primary colors that she discovered at Grandma and Grandpa W's house over the weekend. It's pretty funny to watch her reach for things. It takes so much effort to get the hand-eye coordination down. She'll be staring so hard at a toy and you can just tell she's trying to get her arm to go in the right directions but sometimes it'll just flap up and down instead. Her Uncle Josh was quite entertained by this and kept thinking her brain must be shorting out and saying "Whoa, wrong button!" each time it happens.

Isla is very social. She likes to be up where the action is, not left on the floor or bouncy seat for long. We went ahead and purchased the Bebe Pod (round squishy seat) for her to try out at the table during dinner to see if we can break the habit of holding her during meals. Not sure if it works yet as I haven't eaten dinner at home all week(!!!).

Isla's really started to notice the foods that I am eating. The other day she would not stop watching me eat my apple slices. Yesterday she wanted a sip of my Starbucks. Over the weekend, she was trying to drink my ROOT beer.

Isla has added a duck quack/crow caw to her repertoire of sound effects. It is quite hilarious. We were at the mall yesterday and Isla and I were sitting in one of those seating areas in the middle of the shops. Graham was coming out of a store and was going to call to try to meet us but it turns out he didn't have to. He just headed the direction of the crow sounds. They are LOUD is those echoey malls...

Isla is waking up consistently at 12 something and 4 something each night.

I've noticed her rubbing her feet together, making swish swish sounds as her socks touch. Funny.

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