Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Crozier Christmas Festivities

I am officially back-logged! So much I've been thinking about but so little time to blog about it. I'm going to try and power through a bunch of posts this week to catch up. In all my spare time with my goiing back to work, Graham restarting school etc.

Isla's first Christmas was wonderful. Because Graham was scheduled to work Christmas day. We had a "fake Christmas morning" for him on Christmas Eve at the Senior Croziers. The day was filled with much soup-slurping, puzzle-doing, baby-holding fun. Graham led the music at our church's Christmas Eve service that evening, which was beautiful. We closed out the night at his aunt Nancy and uncle Mike's for the traditional Crozier Christmas Eve feast and gift exchange. I don't think I knew the definition of a true gag gift before joining this family (see for yourself in the pictures--yes, the hat is handmade)! Alessandro, the Senior Crozier's Italian exchange student (Ingy's Italian son as he is affectionately called by the rest of us), got the underwear muy grande this year. We told him to bring it back to Italy and tell people that Americans really are as fat as they say.

We had a slumber party that night at the Croziers and woke up oober early on Christmas morning to a phone call from work saying Graham had gotten the low census he asked for and would not be needed at work. HOORAY! He would be able to participate in Isla's first Christmas! So we did Christmas morning take 2, this time with the rest of us opening our gifts as well. Isla's great grandparents were able to join us which was wonderful. We were very spoiled by the generous Crozier clan, as usual, and are enjoying our many new toys.

Oh and even though I've officially been a Crozier for almost 3 years (and have participated in Crozier festivities for at least 5 years), I never cease to be amazed and entertained by their musicality. They seem to just randomly burst into joyful song. This year it was a reenactment of the "Crozier Boy Trio" that was performed sometime in the last decade (apparently when there were voice crackage issues). The video is quite long so no need to watch it in its entirety unless you were one of the witnesses or performers of course. I love my husband and my brothers-in-law! Seriously! Who does this!?

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