Wednesday, January 27, 2010

22 Weeks

This week was a rough week (but more on that later).

Isla turned 5 months last Monday!

Over the past 2 weeks, Isla has started to almost grab on to us when we hold her. It's like she's hugging us and it's an awesome feeling!

We had a three night stretch this week where Isla woke up SCREAMING just after midnight. Inconsolable, end-of-the-world screaming. I think I had to feed her at least 2 of the times because nothing else would calm her. Of course these bad nights followed days where we didn't get good naps in. That'll teach us!
There was one day when I fed Isla at 5:30 AM and left for work. She refused the bottle for my mom most all morning and by 1:30, had taken a total of only 1 1/2 ounces. I was sorta freaking out, thinking "I've gone back to work! She can't quite taking the bottle now!" Thankfully, she must just not have been hungry that morning because she's taken numerous bottles since.

Isla pooped in the sink for the very first time this week. I'd been convinced that she just "knew" she wasn't supposed to let loose when her fanny was exposed to air, because, after all, she'd never had an accident for me. Guess I was wrong. She turned her bath water an awful color. Enough said.

Isla finally fits in her exersaucer. She LOVES it! She is so intrigued by all the new toys.
Isla is really loving the different sounds she can make with her voice. We went up to Bellingham this week and she make her loud duck noise, pretty much constantly, between Kirkland and Marysville (about a 30 minute stretch!) Graham and I couldn't help but crack up. She also loves to make a fake cough sound and she likes it when you do it back to her.

Isla lost her great-grandfather (my Dad's dad) on Friday evening. I plan to write a post about my grandpa in the near future but don't have it in me today. I'm thankful that he was able to meet Isla June, his 11th great-grandchild, on Thanksgiving day. I'm pretty sure he didn't know what was going on, but they met none-the-less.
 Isla continues to smile and laugh more and more each day, which is just what we all needed this week.