Tuesday, May 4, 2010

36 Weeks

Isla attended her first Mariner's game tonight (hence the tardy post).

Isla is mobile! She's not quite crawling yet but on Sunday she figured out how to roll across the room to get to where she wants to be. She was playing with a three year old and I thinking watching him must have made something click and she began flipping around the room, back and forth, back and forth (moving about 5-6 ft in each direction).

This rolling over thing has brought about quite the traumatic sleep week. Isla continues to flip to her tummy as soon as we lay her down, then gets really angry about being on her belly and "forgets" how to roll over onto her back. This battle has resulted in a lot more crying and some naps that were skipped alltogether because she refused to fall asleep (even after an hour). The Lord knows we can only handle so much and so after a record-long stretch of missed morning naps, a tired mommy and a fussy baby, she finally seems to have fallen back into a routine (which included learning to sleep on her tummy when she "forgot" how to flip over).

Isla continues to pull herself up when you offer her your fingers and is doing a really good job of walking (actually moving her feet!) while holding on to your hands. She gets really excited when she stands and is also learning to get back down into a sitting position.

Isla tried lentils (with celery, carrots and sweet potatoes), spinach (with peas, broccoli and sweet potatoes) and tomatoes (with basil, cauliflower and carrots) this week. She continues to be an awesome eater and we are starting to do less purees and offer cut up chunks instead (peas, banana etc).

Thankfully, our nursing issues appear to have resolved. The Fenugreek worked and things are function as they should again with is such an answer to prayer!
Isla is such a ham! She loves posing for the camera and opens her mouth wide and smiles when she is excited. I think she likes all eyes on her which is funny to me because neither Graham nor I really enjoy the spotlight.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Kelsie! She's looking like such a pretty little girl and less like a baby. Those cheeks are too precious :-).
