Tuesday, May 11, 2010

37 Weeks

Isla is seeming less and less like a little baby. She can walk long distances while holding your fingers and has figured out how to get from the sitting position to her tummy. She gets in the crawling position too but doesn't quite know what to do next. She scoots backwards, rolls and twirls to get around (though she doesn't often end up at her desired destination). Needless to say, I can't leave her alone anymore because she ends up tangled or caught under furniture or bonks her head on something while trying to crawl.

We are preparing Isla's palate for France! This week she got to try plain yogurt (which she was a bit weirded out by so we added some fruit) and this morning I scrambled her some egg yolks. I let her pick at them with her fingers and she seemed to really enjoy that. She has developed great motor control of her fingers and can pick up pieces of food with ease now! 

I've been working REALLY hard at teaching Isla to say "Mama." Everytime I say "Mama," she smirks and responds "Dada." That'll teach me.

We took Isla to Spokane/Pullman for a long weekend to attend my brother's grad and visit my aunt, uncle, cousins and our good friends the Moodys. She was a real trooper! We had her completely off her schedule but she did SO well during the day. I had hoped she would take long naps on the car rides but she only slept for short increments (because there were people in the back seat with her to look at of course!) Despite only napping for ~1 hr total each day, she stayed cheerful. Unfortunately this resulted in LOTS of night waking so I was pretty exhausted by the time we arrived home but what's new? :)

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