Friday, May 28, 2010


Dear Blog,

Oh how I miss you. Let's be more regular about our time together come summer! I owe you an update on our month of May, most of which was spent out of town. This has been a wildly crammed month!

Yours Truly.

I eluded to this in a prior post, but the Wilson fam (minus Ben and Michael) took a road trip over to Pullman/Spokane at the beginning of May to attend my brother Josh's graduation from WSU.
Our first rest stop. A girl's gotta get out and stretch!
Seriously, you'd think we were driving through the countryside in Ireland, wouldn't you? Never knew eastern WA could be this beautiful! Truly farm country.

Josh graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is quite the smarty pants when it comes to all things science. His girlfriend Silver joined us for most of the weekend so we got to get to know her a bit better. Hopefully she didn't find us TOO crazy.
We were super proud of the boy, all grad-ju-muh-cated.
I love these next two shots. Can't you just see the look of adoration (going both directions!)
This is also a fav...


  1. oh my gosh kels. she is sooo cute!

  2. Fjords of Ireland? We need to have a geography...oh nevermind
