Tuesday, May 25, 2010

39 Weeks

Today marks both 39 weeks and 9 months even! Isla has her 9 mo appointment tomorrow so I'm anxious to find out her weight and other measurements and see if she's still our little peanut.

This week has been SO much better than last. After arriving home from San Diego, Isla was still wanting to hang out frequently in the middle of the night so we put a stop to that quickly and made a "no going in her room until after 5 AM" rule. And thankfully, after just one night, it worked and she's back to sleeping her usual 6:30PM to 5 AM (which means I feel almost like a normal human being again-and by again I mean for the first time since I became a mother. Hooray!)

I know I said this last week, but Isla is so SO close to crawling. Any second she's gonna figure out how to move forward. Until then, she continues to scoot backwards and can actually move pretty quickly on her belly (particularly when she's on a wood or tile floor). She is not pleased with this mode of transportation, however, and requires a lot of extra attention to get her unstuck from under various pieces of furniture.

Isla is getting really close to saying "Mama." Her syllable sounds moved from "Dada" only to "Nana" which is what she sometimes will say after we ask her to say "Mama." She is trying SO hard!

The new game in our household is called Pillow Fight. I promise, no children or animals were harmed in the filming of this video.

Isla still has no teeth but I've been trying to add brushing her gums to our evening routine to get her used to the feel of a toothbrush in her mouth. She makes my life easy because she loves it. It all started with her watching me brush my teeth. She kept grabbing at my toothbrush so I finally gave her her own and she can't seem to get enough (I actually have to take the toothbrush away from her--a good problem to have!)

I think it is official. Isla just doesn't nap for her mommy. I worked the weekend (3 days in a row which was really hard by the way!) and so Isla spent time with her grandparents, her Aunt Lani and Graham. She reportedly took some good naps for them--my sister in particular--a two hour nap! I can honestly say that has NEVER happened to me.

Isla had her first jarred baby food this week since we were traveling. She got to try a lot more new foods than usual since some of the jars had multiple fruit purees mixed in. She had apricots and cherries (in the pre-made baby food), fresh white peaches, pluots and garlic green beans this week. She also got her first of what I'm sure will be MANY tastes of cheese (in France!)-the cheddar variety. Today I gave her some chunks of cucumber and also some cut up pasta with Baby Bolognese sauce (I was jealous and ate some myself, it was THAT good!)

Isla is getting really good at giving kisses. Today I was finally able to catch a good one on camera. It melts my heart. She is also making this sound that I just think is a riot as she tries to blow bubbles and rumble her lips. I didn't catch a very good example on the video but she finally does a tiny one at the end of the video that gives you an idea....


  1. She just gets cuter every week! Grace has her 9 month appt tomorrow too! I am interested in seeing if her recent move to crawling has slowed the weight gain over here. Hope to meet your little one sometime.

  2. What have you done to graham's nails.
