Wednesday, October 27, 2010

14 Months

I know I've said this so many times before, but I can't get over how fun this age is! I think it is partially so exciting because each day is so rewarding. Isla is literally learning something new every single day and it feels good as her parents to see that the things we teach her are actually sticking.

The biggest news this month is that Isla started walking on October 14th! It started with 6 steps in the morning and by the end of the day, she was walking across our entire living room. Tomorrow marks her two-week walking anniversary but you'd never know it- she's all over the place already! Here's a video of some of her first steps:

I (sort of) taught Isla how to do the sign for "all done" in sign language. When I first did it and asked her if she was done after her meal, she thought I was waving and so waved back. The wave sort of stuck and so now she waves when she's finished eating.
We've also been teaching Isla to "pray" at meals and before bed. She clasps her hands together when we ask her to pray and then  proceeds to clap a few seconds later but the idea is definitely there! :) Today we were eating breakfast together and I forgot to pray beforehand. Out of no where, I look up and realize that Isla is clasping her hands and looking at me as if to say "Mom, is there something you're forgetting?"
I absolutely adore Isla's personality. As I see her around other kids more and more, I'm realizing how generally good-natured, cheerful and easy-going she is. Although she has grown a bit more shy around strangers over the past few months, not once has she ever refused to be left somewhere (the church nursery, with a babysitter etc.) She tends to be an observer and I'll often catch her just staring at what the other kids are doing, completely entertained. We often are forced to miss her AM nap on Sundays and MOPS days but she does so well, as long as she has other kiddos to distract her and keep her going. The only thing I've noticed is that she gets much more possessive of the toys when she gets tired and often starts stealing them from other kids which I'm sure is more embarrassing for me than for anyone else. 

Isla learned to have these hilarious gargle conversations while we were in Maui...
 Isla loves hanging out with her Auntie Lani and cousin Gideon. She likes to pat (which ends up being more of a slap) his face and head. We're trying to teach her the meaning of "gentle." :)
 Isla continues to be extremely busy and into everything. I'm sure most everyone already saw this photo...I was laughing so hard!
 This is Isla's very favorite drawer in all our house. She loves to empty out and play with the candles and cupcake liners and sprinkles. I think she does it at least 3 times a day, particularly when I'm in the kitchen cooking. Thankfully I relocated the food coloring to another drawer before she got into that... I love that she wants to be near me but is happy to play independantly. Now that she is walking, she waddles around the house, following me whereever I go. :)
Graham and I left Isla for our first long weekend away past week. We went to Santa Barbara for 3 whole nights and had a great time. It looks like Isla and her Grandpa and Grandma Wilson had a pretty good time together too.  

The cute rolls on her legs won't be here for much longer I'm afraid!
 Isla feeds herself almost entirely on her own now. She loves having her own spoon or fork and actually does quite well with it! Her current favorite foods are: eggs, cheese, berries, beans, broccoli and bread/pasta. She does NOT like sweet potatoes or butternut squash which is so perplexing to me since they are sweet. Go figure!
Isla loves to guide our hands and "help" us do things. She'll push our hands together to try to make us clap or guide our hand so we'll point to various objects in her book. Apparently over the weekend, she was even guiding my dad's hand, showing him how to pat her cousin Gideon's head gently. Where did she learn that I wonder??

Our precious girl still has no teeth. None. But if you ask her "Where are your teeth!?" she'll point right where they should be. I'm choosing to believe she knows something that we don't and that they're in there somewhere. We routinely brush our "teeth" together so on that blessed day when a pearly white finally arrives, we'll be well-practiced.

We are working on teaching Isla other body parts in addition to her teeth. If you ask her where her belly is, she points to her neck. So as you can see, we're doing quite well in this area.

Until next month...

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! I love how similar and yet how different our two baby girls are, even though they are so close in age. I wish they could hang out together - it would be a hoot! I love your updates. So fun! It was great talking to you today!!
