Sunday, September 25, 2011

Isla 25 Months

Isla is adjusting to being a big sister better than I could have ever imagined! There were a couple rough days when we finally came home from our 2nd hospital stay (after more or less abandoning her for 12 days....) She was royally treated by her grandparents while we were "away" and so I think was a little shell-shocked when all was said and done and she had to share the spotlight. But she has does great ever since and LOVES her sister. She usually says "Hi Emma!" or "Hi Little Sister!" with great enthusiasm when she sees her and often asks if Emma can join us in play. She has also proven herself quite helpful in fetching burp cloths or binkies. If Emma is crying, Isla is quick to tell her "It's ok Emma."

The other day I called downstairs to get Graham's attention. Seconds later, Isla walked to the stairway and yelled "Hey Babe!" just as she'd seen modeled. :)

Isla definitely is watching our every move. The other day she slung her purse over her shoulder and told me she was "going to work." She came over and kissed me goodbye and then went into the bathroom and shut the door. She emerged moments later claiming that she was "home from work" and immediately came over to greet me with a kiss. I told Graham that we must be doing something right if she knows a kiss hello and goodbye to be a necessary part of the coming/leaving process! When I asked her what she did for work, she said she was a teacher and that she taught kids about fish.
If you ask Isla how old she is, she will tell you "2 months." 

Isla has started incorporating music into her going to sleep routine. If I am putting her to bed and Graham is home, she always asks for Daddy to "sing Isla song." Now she's taking it as far as to specify what instrument she wants him to accompany her with (guitar, "little guitar"--i.e. ukulele).

Isla's bedtime has moved to somewhere between 7 and 8 PM. She usually is the first to point out that "it is getting really dark" and that seems to make her more willing to go to bed.

I'm pretty sure Isla can count to about 14 or 16 now, plus or minus a few.

We took Isla to the Aquarium for the first time this month. She loved all the fish and sea life!
Isla LOVES all the new kitchen toys and fake food she got for her birthday. She loves it when I spread out a blanket on the living room floor so we can have a "picnic" with all her dishware.

Isla also really enjoys reading. Sometimes she'll sneak away upstairs and it'll get really quiet. When I come to check on her, she's usually rocking away in her rocking chair, reading to herself.

The girl has developed a strange obsession with fire. She randomly started asking to pray for inanimate objects like the moon. It wasn't until she started praying for fire that we got a little worried. Don't know what it's all about. All I know is that she wants a BIG fire!
Every once in a while, we see this little dramatic side of Isla. I so hope to catch it on video but she does this thing where she'll ask for something once, then immediately switch into this hushed voiced and through fishy lips quietly say "Isla want more _____" while nodding her head profusely. It is impossible to describe but is HILARIOUS and makes me laugh every time. I have no idea where she got it.

Isla is really, really smart. And she knows it. I'm super proud of her and often underestimate how much she can comprehend. I think she more or less can understand everything we say. And she can talk like nobody's business. I adore this child!

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