Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Emma: 4 Weeks

Emma is doing great if I do say so myself! I had to start packing up the few newborn clothes I have yesterday as she's already outgrown them--boy that was short lived!

She continues to take a bottle every couple of days or so and seems to be getting the hang of it (sort of). She dribbles lots of milk still but is remembering to breathe now while eating. We have been giving her the bottle COLD, straight from the fridge, because one of my regrets with Isla was spoiling her with warm milk. It's so much easier to feed it cold, especially when you are out and about and have no where to heat it up!

I left Emma for the first time (other than a quick trip to Fred Meyer) on Wednesday night for 4 1/2 hours!! I got to sneak away to a girls night out for a friend's birthday and it was so lovely. Graham had a buddy over who helped with holding Emma while he put Isla to bed but reported that the night went great! Emma took 3 bottles in 4 1/2 hours...

Despite the bottle consumption reported about, it seems like Emma is no longer cluster feeding quite as much in the evening.
Emma has joined me on 3 runs so far this week (I'm back on my couch to 5 K plan) and so far is falling asleep in the stroller.

My sleep report is mixed: we had a couple nights where she was up quite frequently and then another night where she was wide awake from 3-5:30 AM. But then we've also had some nights where she stays up late but then only wakes up once between midnight and 7 AM. I've started trying to do somewhat of an eat, "play," sleep cycle during the day to get her to be awake more. I'm very hopeful we will soon have a good sleeper on our hands!

But on that topic, she is a LOUD sleeper, just like Isla! She grunts and groans and makes goat/sheep sounds when she is first laid down for the night or after a feeding. I'm starting to wonder if she has some reflux because sometimes it sounds like she's really in pain. So far she is still in our room but we'll see how long that lasts...We are still trying to get a good video/audio of the sounds she makes but here's a little intro. Honestly, her eyes are totally closed throughout this!
I had to tie her cradle so it no longer rocks because she was moving and spinning so much in bed that she'd get herself off-center and would tip it and get herself wedged up against the spindles.

Just like clockwork, Emma's baby acne arrived this week, just in time for the shower my sister and friend Rachel threw for us this weekend. The shower was perfect, complete with a hair-clip-making station for her head-o-hair. Emma is going to be the best-dressed girl on the block!

1 comment:

  1. You are already running??? I can't even walk at a normal pace yet let alone even THINK about running. That's crazy!
