Monday, October 3, 2011


I can't do it all.

I've been trying to find some sense of balance over here as we settle back into a routine and a "new normal" now that Graham is back to work. I sort of feel like my life happens in slow motion as I start one thing, make it half or a quarter of the way through and then have to put it down and attend to another. After a number of incredibly frustrating days where I felt like I was getting nothing done, I decided I was being too hard on myself and that I needed to lower my expectations.

As I write this, it's 3 o clock and I haven't yet showered, I'm typing with one hand so I can hold my nursing baby with the other, there are toys strewn all over the living room floor, a carseat out and just waiting to be tripped on, screws, tools and clutter spread across the counter, a coat hanging over the banister, a basket of clean, unfolded clothes that has been sitting at the bottom of the stairs for days, and an unopened present beckoning on the kitchen table (who can't find time to open a gift!?!) Anyway, you get the picture. But at least I got the stroller out of the living room earlier today, the vacuum back in the closet where it belongs and the dishwasher emptied. It's a Christmas miracle! Oh and did I mention there are 2 loaves of chocolate chip zucchini bread baking in the oven (which, by the way, I've been trying to make for 3 weeks now with the last of the zucchini from my garden)? See, I can get some things done.

I just can't do it all.

I'm learning that it's all about priorities. And some might say I'm taking it to the extreme, but it's what is helping me function at the moment. I feel like God is trying to teach me to live in the moment and not to let precious opportunities pass me by. So I'm working on prioritizing. It has been super hard for me to let some of the clutter go. I thrive when I feel like I have a clean "haven" to run to. But I'm learning and am a work in progress.

I have started creating a written "schedule" for the week to help me see the big picture and to help me see each day as a "success." My schedule is simple really. I write out each day of the week and then include any known activities or commitments (MOPS/Dr appts etc). Then, I plan out when I will exercise (I've started my "Couch to 5K" plan and need to fit in 3 runs each week). Lastly, I add the other 2 weekly essentials in the gaps: grocery shopping and cleaning the house. I try to have only one or a max of two things each day so that I set myself up for success. If I have time to do something else, I can, but I give myself permission not to and to just take a break or take a nap instead if needed. I used to do a weekly deep clean and then lots of spot-cleaning throughout the week. I'm trying to let the spot-cleaning go and just remind myself that the house will get a thorough cleaning later on in the week. As silly as it sounds, it has be incredibly hard for me as I THRIVE when everything is squeaky clean.

I'm trying to set a timer for 15 minutes each day for focused play with Isla. It may not sounds like much but it's something and she just eats it up! Also, Graham and I went on our first date last week (sooooo needed) and we are hoping to figure out a system where we can go out twice a month and then have date nights in the other two weeks.

So far I am quite happy with my little system and hope we continue to settle nicely into life as a family of four. I must admit, I'm just loving it!! :)

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