Monday, October 17, 2011


I don't think I ever realized how much I wanted two daughters until it happened to me. Of course I would have been THRILLED to have a son but I'll admit I was secretly (or not so secretly) hoping Baby Crozier #2 would be a girl. I figured this would be our closest spacing between children and I really wanted them to be the same gender. I absolutely adore my older sister and she's been my best friend for 27 years (That's how old I am, right? Having babies the month of my birthday messes with our celebrating so it feels like I skipped two years somewhere in there and I can never remember how old I am--baby brain!!) Anyway, so when whoever it was in the delivery room (it's all a blur now) announced, "It's a girl!," I was elated. I am fully aware that not all sisters get along but I am hopeful these girls will grow up to be the very best of friends. I spent most of my pregnancy with Isla anticipating a boy since, after all, "Croziers only make boys," so it was only after that I began to ponder and anticipate the joys of having girls.....
The most obvious thing to look forward to of course is that Graham will be outnumbered when it comes to movie selections. Chick flicks or bust!!!
 Then there are the 20 more toes that will be requiring pedicures on a girls day out....
 And I think girls' weekends will be of the essence.
 And I must say I'm pretty pumped to shop for puffy prom dresses (though their dates are going to have to go through an extraordinarily rigorous interview process!!!)
I will get to help plan two weddings (forget about paying for them, that's Graham's job!! :))
I love girls. I love their clothes. I love their hair. I am thankful for these two precious daughters!


  1. So sweet! I love having two girls too. :) I always secretly wanted a sister like you and Lani had. ;)

  2. These pictures are beautiful Kelsie!

  3. Love this post- sisters are the best! I hope they do grow up to be best friends :)
