Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

We headed out planning to take a walk somewhere in Bellevue but then I suggested going to a pumpkin patch. It could be our only sunny October Saturday afterall! We turned around and, without a map, headed out to the country figuring we'd stumble upon a patch somewhere...

Who knew Duvall was so pretty? Note Mt Rainier off in the distance. 
 Someone got tuckered out before the party even started
 Wouldn't ya know it!? We found a cute little organic farm called Oxbow Farm complete with a u-pick pumpkin patch and a "live playground" (tunnels and teepees made out of veggies) for kids.
 We're waiting to carve that prized pumpkin until the next rainy day. Gotta enjoy this beautiful fall weather!


  1. So fun! Your family of four is adorable :)

  2. That was such an original post name, I'm sorry for stealing it! ;P

    Looks like it was a fun day for you guys. :)
