Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Emma: 8 Weeks

-Our poor baby caught the crud this week, just like the rest of us. She made it about 4 days without getting sick so I thought we were in the clear but then she started sneezing and coughing and now you can hear and feel the crackles in her lungs. She's quite the trooper though and isn't letting it get to her. I was SUPER nervous at first because I was afraid we'd end up back in the hospital but she's breathing and eating fine and doesn't seem too bothered. We had considered moving her to the kids' room this week until she got sick. Now I'm keeping her in our room so I can watch her like a hawk.
-I feel like we have a pretty good eat, play, sleep routine going on and she's getting pretty good at napping as long as I catch her earlier enough and get her swaddled.
-Emma LOVES her kitchen sink baths. They always make her happy and full of coos.
-Everyone always thinks she's a boy because of her hair. I guess it looks like a boy's haircut. Sorry people! I didn't have much control over the style she arrive with! :)
-We have a lot of nicknames in mind for our little lady but aren't quite sure how to start using them. Weird, I know but it feels funny to call her anything other than Emma at present. I just LOVE the nickname "Em" though. Let's be honest, I really hope she has a boyfriend someday who calls her that.

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