Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Emma: 7 Weeks

-Emma has been a cooing and smiling machine all week. I think she's pretty darn close to laughing too. I can't wait!
-Something must have changed this week. We went from having almost no blowouts to my having to remove the cover on the carseat and throw it in the wash THREE times. So far they were timed ok when I had just enough time to get it through the washer and dryer before we had to leave again but I'm sure I won't always be so lucky. I'm tempted through throw a plastic bag or paper towel or something behind her because if she keeps this up, we're never gonna be able to leave the house!
-I discovered that Emma loves lays on her back and look at toys. She doesn't stay occupied for very long doing anything, but setting her up with a couple toys usually buys me 10 or 15 minutes.
-Someone suggested Emma dress up as Elvis for Halloween. What do you think? I mean, look at her hair!
-Yesterday I successfully got Emma to take a nap in her cradle, not being held. I put her in bed tired but still awake and she fell asleep on her own. Then she napped longer than Isla!! I'm hoping we are moving away from her power cat nap trend.
-We seem to have bumped Emma's bedtime up successfully over the weekend. She went down at 10:30 PM on Saturday and then has gone down at 7:30 or 8 PM the last 2 nights. Wahooo!
-I am so incredibly grateful for her sleep habits thus far. I think she did three, 7 hour stretches this week, once of which lasted from 11 PM to 6:30 AM. It is amazing and I am in total shock and awe as Isla didn't sleep like this for MONTHS! Seriously, it makes me giddy. Of course last night was awful, but I can handle the rough ones if they are intermixed with these good ones!

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