Soooooo, how many people really like turkey anyway? Like jump-up-and-down-I-can't-wait-to-have-some-on-Thursday kind of like it? Not us. Graham and I have been itching do an alternative Thanksgiving menu - glammed up versions of the traditional components - for a while now but the opportunity never presented itself. But this year we were invited to my parents the weekend before Thanksgiving for a little celebration with the immediate family since we couldn't be there on the actual day. When Graham and I volunteered to cook, my mom happily handed us her kitchen. And we went crazy (like any couple who hardly sees each other who is given the opportunity to cook a huge feast with built-in babysitting the Saturday before Thanksgiving would do). 
We selected turkey's next of kin and made Duck a l'Orange for our main course. Not many people can say they've butchered a whole duck but Graham now can! Well, it was dead when he started but he had to cut it into all it's pieces. Honestly, I almost lost my lunch shopping for the beasts (we had two) - let's just say that Asian grocers don't always package their meats in the most appealing of fashions. I did go with the head-less, beak-less, eye-less option but still, the other guy was right there literally watching me grab his brother as I fought back a heavy wave of nausea.
Anyhow, let's talk about happy things like bread! We replaced rolls with a less traditional but three times as delicious Rosemary Flatbread with Blue Cheese, Grapes and Honey. Seriously awesome.
Instead of green beans, we had Kale with Garlic and Bacon. It's a proven fact that everything is better with bacon. And it was (though we didn't use as much as the recipe called for). We did use 4 full heads of kale though. I love how you can eat SO much of that delicious stuff without realizing it when it's sauteed.
We traded in mashed potatoes for Grandma's Crushed Potatoes, fingerling potatoes seasoned with toasted cumin and coriander seeds and turmeric. And duck fat. I'd been saving the duck fat from our bird nicely in an almost half-full mug. I turned my back (which one should never do when cooking with Graham!) and it was nearly empty. Gasp! And delicious.
For some reason I neglected to photograph dessert. Probably because it was a pie and I don't really like pie. (I know, all you Croziers are disowning me right now - how could I say such a thing!?) Graham requested a Sweet Potato Pie and it was pretty darn good if I do say so myself. For a pie of course. All in all, our meal was yummy but I think we can do better. The duck was too classic for my taste which I guess makes me a duck snob. The breast is definitely best! But we had a blast cooking without having to entertain children at the same time and mostly we enjoyed time with family.
Let's not forget about the diners!
Emma was a duck fan
Oh yes and we drank a Cotes du Rhone since we were dining on French fusion (sort of).
Grandma and Lilly
Silver, Josh & Ben - we had the WHOLE family together which was awesome!
And my wonderful parents!
I love my family - thanks for a fun, relaxing weekend!