Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jesus' house

Sometimes I wish I could climb into Isla's brain to better understand what she is thinking. She ask questions at the most random, seemingly-unrelated of times but I'm sure it all makes sense in her head. Here is a snapshot of what she was thinking about on Monday (or at least what I can remember):

"When are we going to Jesus' house?"

"Will there be heaters at Jesus' house?"

"Will there be toys and magazines at Jesus' house?!"

"Why are we still alive?"

"Why will we not be wearing any clothes at Jesus' house?"

(And then, moving right along): "When will we go to Mickey Mouse's house?"

After the 4th or so question, I finally dropped what I was doing and went to sit with her by the heater vent where she is hanging out a lot these days. I asked her if she wanted to go to Jesus' house and she said yes. So we prayed together and she asked him into her heart! She is SO excited to go to his house and I'm an excited and proud mama!

***In other news, she just informed me that she wants to go to Zaccheaous' house!!*** :)

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