This sweet girl is as cute as a bug and a lot of fun too! I'd forgotten how much I love this age!
-has tons of new words: stuck, on, shoe, more, water (wah-wah), bum, poop, banana, apple, grandma, snack, eat, whoa (my personal favorite), wow, nigh nigh, hot, bye bye, hat
-has a love/hate relationship with shoes - loves trying them on (anyone and everyone's will do) but gets extremely frustrated when she can't get them on herself
-thinks she has a baby in her belly
-tries to "find" my baby by lifting my shirt and poking my belly button
-went in to fetch her in her crib one morning and she grabbed her behind, made a scrunchy, grossed out face and said "poooooo" (this was the highlight of my week - truly hysterical!)
-had her 1st full on 30-minute-screaming-on-the-floor-tantrum because she couldn't get her sister's shoes on ironically enough
-goes straight as a board when put in her carseat
-first trip to the dentist = success (10 teeth!)
-loves "parading" around the house with her big sis (below)
-had her 1st full on 30-minute-screaming-on-the-floor-tantrum because she couldn't get her sister's shoes on ironically enough
-goes straight as a board when put in her carseat
-first trip to the dentist = success (10 teeth!)
-loves "parading" around the house with her big sis (below)
-finally started eating vegetables - carrots, corn, sweet bell peppers and tomatoes, confirming that it takes 10+ introductions for a child to accept new foods!
-also realized she likes pineapple (which she calls "apple")
-strictly forbidden from eating raw apple slices (nearly called 911 - the girl doesn't chew!)
-learned to give real kisses (gone are the humming cheek bumps)
-also realized she likes pineapple (which she calls "apple")
-strictly forbidden from eating raw apple slices (nearly called 911 - the girl doesn't chew!)
-learned to give real kisses (gone are the humming cheek bumps)