Saturday, May 25, 2013

Isla 45 Months

Seriously could this girl be anymore stunning? 
-Someone suggested tour guiding as a possible career option for her - it does seem rather fitting! 
-Has started "reading" books aloud, making up the story as she goes
-Loves to help me cook and chop using a cheese knife 
-Asks "Is Daddy at work or in class or clinicals today?" She's counting the days until graduation on her paper chain!
-She's a great older sister - her latest trick: parading Emma around the house on a blanket "leash" 
-Is ready for summer, every day, all the time. Love her spunk and outfit choices!
 -Can't seem to get enough of her craft box
-Also loves my office supply drawer: she "makes lists" on sticky notes, tapes up boxes filled with random things and the other day I found her using my postage stamps as stickers! At least Grandma Wilson taught her how to walk with scissors safely!
-Had our first family movie night (watched Brave). True to character, she asked questions like "What is happening?" or "What are they doing?" for 90 minutes straight. Then she was devastated when the closing scene showed mom and daughter riding off into the sunset on horseback. She burst into tears sobbing "How are they going to get home?" as the closing credits rolled... 
 -Some people murder for curls like hers 
-Occasionally napping again (very unpredictable - growth spurt maybe?)
 -She's a very serious child :) 
-Then again, maybe not
-Can't get enough of her preschool workbook
-Loves to help me clean the house
-Wants "Mommy to do it," particularly when it comes to putting her to bed

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