Sunday, March 30, 2014

Emma: 31 Months

This girl! I really like her. She's a riot!

We were in Bellingham recently and she made sure her uncles were by her side at every waking moment, particularly at mealtimes when she arranged the seating assignments.
Emma's taken a new interest in babies lately. She loves "helping" Jack (and others!) roll over. She's also got a knack for keeping said babies happy and entertained by handing them toys or binkies.

She would much rather walk herself than ride in the stroller these days. She loves pushing the dolly stroller or shopping cart to Safeway.
She is such a character, always joking, teasing or being goofy like pretending to eat a flower as she is doing here.
She's silly but she's also super sweet and sensitive too - such a lovely mix! She's talking tons now and says the most hilarious things.

Her food loves right now include hummus (by the spoonful), bagels and cream cheese from Starbucks, cucumbers and granola.
She put her green thumb to the test this month too and we're waiting to see if any of the veggies she planted pop up. She's pretty good and picking the petals off my flowers and bringing them to me too. 
Emma's style speaks for itself! Sometimes she wears sunglasses to bed. Or puts her swimsuit on under her pajamas. She's almost always wandering the house in a much-too-small leotard. Other times, she's pairing her puppy rain boots with her Easter dress. Rarely are her shoes on the right feet (when should a mother get concerned?)
She remains none too interested in potty training, though we've had a couple successes every week or so.

She is shy and timid in some ways and daring and adventurous in others. It goes absolutely without saying that she would ride her bike straight through this mud puddle. 
She's always full of surprises and there's never a dull moment with Emma!

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