Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Isla: 55 Months

Why yes, that is my 4 1/2 year old wearing a shorts jumpsuit. And rocking it, might I add!

Our eldest is growing up and boy is she looking forward to spring. Mostly because with it comes freedom in footwear, I think. After countless battles and finally a sit-down family meeting (I'm not kidding), we came to the following agreement: leggings and tights are optional but socks MUST be worn with boots to keep them from stinking. We threw her a bone though and told her once spring arrived, she could wear "spring shoes" without socks. Enter a renewed love of spring.  
We've had a couple completely delightful days of sunshine and Isla has jumped at the chance to help me plant our garden. So far we've checked beets, carrots, romaine, arugula, mixed greens, swiss chard and summer squash off our list. We also transplanted some strawberries and purple cauliflower (new this year!) I let her pick out packets of flower seeds on a couple occasions so either we'll have some nasturtiums and petunias or a girl with a pretty broken heart. She always asks to buy more flower seeds when we are out and about. 

She's been showing increased interest in helping in the kitchen which I love and is often disappointed when I do the meal prep work ahead of time. We had a blast "eating green" on St Patty's Day (below). Her food loves lately include celery, smoothies, salami, fruit-on-the-bottom Greek yogurt and granola (these of course are in addition to the never-ending adoration of pasta, bread and rice). Whenever we have something she likes, she immediately asks "can we please have this again sometime!!?" as if I will deprive her of it for the rest of her life. 
Isla loves to pretend and her latest stint is being a teacher. She has numerous classes and kids and sometimes I have a hard time keeping the reality straight with the make-believe. She often spends her quiet times "teaching all her kids." In real life, she loves writing her letters and frequently asks us how to spell words so she can write them down. She's getting better and better at sounding out short words too. Every time I pick her up from preschool, she asks if I "have a special surprise for her" by which she means is there someone cool waiting for her to play with at home. I guess Emma and Jack and I are chopped liver.

I never cease to be impressed with her memory. She is filing away Bible stories like candy (yay!) The other day she created this masterpiece (below). She brought it over to me, looking a little overwhelmed and said "I'm gonna need some help here drawing some faces on the 5000!" Love her!
Other favorite activities include riding her new bike (she's gaining speed and distance), pretending our house is a train or airplane, playing with Emma, making Jack laugh, having play dates, asking questions, going grocery shopping, waking up early and taking care of her babies. She's a busy, busy girl!

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