Wednesday, May 21, 2014

From the highest of heights

Our middle child has a mild obsession with the Space Needle. She calls out whenever she spots it, be it in a book, on a billboard, the side of a truck or live in person. Though I'm sure the idea wasn't hers originally, she's been asking for months to go up it. Too bad her sister has be utterly petrified of elevators since Christmas. We had a Groupon that was about to expire so we decided to use it this past weekend. Unfortunately upon closer examination of said coupon, we realized it was for the Columbia Tower, not the Space Needle. Same difference. We quickly talked up how cool it would be to get up HIGHER than the Space Needle to Emma (she remained unconvinced). Meanwhile, Isla asked if we could please take the stairs.
Eventually we did all make it up to the top of the tower via elevator with only some mild yelling by the eldest 
anytime Emma went as far as to even look in the direction of those sliding silver doors. We all held on to each other lest someone accidentally take a solo ride up 75 floors...

 The views at the top were amazing and the girls ate it up.
 We had a fun time spotting the cars and buses below and even spotted some rooftop parking that the girls thought was hysterical. 
 Emma LOVED seeing the Space Needle and couldn't get enough of us picking her up to let her peer over the edge. Each time we did, she would stiffen up and lean back until we touched the glass and reminded her there was a window there. Who knew a fear of heights could develop at such a young age? 
 Love this capture of the middle one enamored by the Needle.
So fun to play tourist every once in a while!

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