Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Jack: 7 Months

Sitting!!!!! For real now!
Loves sucking his toes or chewing his sock
Took a few weeks to get into the whole solids thing
Let them sit in his mouth until enough saliva pooled to usher them right back out
Now he's discovered the joys and is eating (and swallowing!) chicken, oatmeal, sweet potatoes
Carrots, applesauce, pears, lentils, asparagus, peas, red pepper and Cheerios too
Sort of getting into technology
Lunges for my phone whenever it's in reach
Even while nursing he does the blind reach back for it
 Likes to grab my face too 
Breastfeeding is going so much better!!!!!!!
Marches in place on my stomach while being burped 
Discovering the sound of his own voice 
Goes to bed between 6:30 and 7 PM
Usually wakes once/night but there was almost a week there where he slept through
Falling asleep unassisted these days
Seems to favor going down at the same time as Emma (though not in same bed)
Giggles all the time
Left him for my first night away
He was thrilled to see me upon my return
Wriggles and dances with glee when I get home from work (then cries til I feed him)
Has constant entertainment available
Taking a great morning nap
Loves his reflection in the mirror
Started riding on my back and it usually buys me 20 minutes during the "witching hour"
Melts my heart on daily basis, that sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. That boy. He's so darling. I just want to squeeze him!
