Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jack 9 Months, belated

 Well golly gee, time sure is flying! Technically he's nearly 10 months now but my lap top died, or more accurately was assisted to it's death in a suicidal fall off the kitchen counter (insert GIANT sad face here), and so therefore I'm behind. I can't seem to manage any posts beyond just my monthly kid updates right but I promise some more newsy stuff soon....
 Back to Jack...hide your wives and lock up your children (or is in the other way around?) - this kid is a crowd-melting heart throb! He's a cheerful little dude and smiles incessantly. His hair is like that of a young chick and I am told that constantly. He weighed 18 pounds, 14 ounces at his 9 month check up so no concerns there! He's starting to show signs of shyness at times and a smidge of stranger anxiety but for the most part, he'll go to anyone (as long as mom's not in the room!) His sisters absolutely adore him!
 And if ever I turn my back, it's inevitable that they will have attempted to pick him up or have him in a solid head lock...
Though sometimes he seems to want his space (and he'll make it know by crying if they even start his way), I know he loves them. The other night we moved Emma into the closet with him in hopes of squelching what has become an extended falling asleep process for the girls. When he looked over and saw his sister next to him, HE. WAS. THRILLED. The two of them laughed and giggled for a good 45 minutes.
 He's still not mobile yet but he has managed to get from a sitting position to his belly a time or two. He's a tummy sleeper now that he can roll and sleeps solidly through the night from about 7 PM to 7 or 7:30 AM. Can I get an AMEN!? 
He is incredibly bonded to his daddy and wants him to pick him up as soon as he gets home. He loves pulling Graham's hair and riding on his shoulders in particular.
 My flash wasn't recharged for this next shot but it was too sweet to keep to myself so I did what all great photographers would do....convert it to black and white! (not)
 He's eating pretty much everything (minus honey, shellfish and nuts), and wants to do it all himself so we're only doing finger foods now. He feeds himself his own bottle and can drink water for a sippy cup unassisted. Though he eats most everything, his favorites seem to be raspberries, blueberries, bananas and shredded pork. It is absolutely impossible to eat while holding him in your lap, unless you don't mind him snitching from your plate.
 He babbles like crazy and is obsessed with straws, sunscreen and cell phones. He can pull himself up mostly unassisted when you offer him your fingers and is beginning to figure out home to move his feet and take "steps." But no signs of crawling yet (or teeth for that matter!) He loves to throw himself backwards and have you catch him (consider yourself warned), dance to music and rock himself in the rocking chair. He's bouncy and almost always moving. I think I now know what it would feel like to breastfeed a rattle snake...
He loves riding in the stroller and hanging on and doing pull ups (to a standing position!) if you forget to buckle him in! He's our most mobile napper so far and will sleep in the stroller or carseat if covered with a blanket - bless you third child!
We love you sweet baby Jack!

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